If I don’t Believe am I still a Bull? Or just full of it? by Deb Kristy

So I know this post is a little later than my usual Saturday post, but it was on purpose. Really. See, I had to wait until today in order to bring you this:

Powered by Astrocenter.com
 May 5, 2007 Daily Taurus horoscope
Your concept of reality may be more based on your emotions than on facts, dear Taurus. This is one of those days when this sort of paradigm of thinking may get you into trouble. Whatever situation comes up, you are likely to feel very passionate about it, and you will tend to lose any rational perspective whatsoever. Integrity, inner strength, and self-confidence will be the glue that holds your mind and heart together.

My concept of reality?! Well what the hell does that mean?! So I should be on the look-out for irrational behavior today, hmm? I don’t know what to think. Is there a better place to start looking at my horoscope than my Earthlink homepage? Because when I read something like this I simply cannot help but roll my eyes. Is that a Taurus trait? I’m willing, people, I am willing to believe, but I need more than that. So, give it up, where should I go to get the most coherent horoscope? What are your favorite astrology sites?

And since I am so ignorant that I clearly cannot write intelligently about astrology, I will instead respond to something rather fun from one of the Debs favorite websites: the fabulous Writers’ Group Blog has tagged The Debutante Ball with the Thinking Bloggers Award! Considering the group of bloggers we were tossed in with, including Patry Francis, Tess Gerritsen, Jungle Red, and Therese Fowler, I’m feeling pretty good about it!

And now we must return the favor, so I would like to tag the following with this prestigious award, one site for each Deb:

  1. Drunk Writer Talk
  2. Good Girls Kill For Money
  3. Murderati
  4. Pat Wood
  5. Slightly Savage

There are so many more blogs that we love. We know everyone is short on time. You can’t visit them all in one day. But if it’s been a while since you’ve checked out The Debutante Ball’s links to the right, take a moment, click on one you haven’t been to before, or one you haven’t been to in a while. Enjoy a new point of view and leave a comment, however brief, to let them know you were there.

Now for those who got tagged, if you feel so inclined, please do the following:

  • If, and only if, you get tagged, write a post with links to 5 blogs that make you think.
  • Link to this post so that people can easily find the exact origin of the meme.
  • Optional: Proudly display the ‘Thinking Blogger Award’ with a link to the post that you wrote.

Have a great week all, and I’ll check in to see if I get any great horoscope sites in the comments!

8 Replies to “If I don’t Believe am I still a Bull? Or just full of it? by Deb Kristy”

  1. EEK!!! My bad! I got tagged for this last month and I TOTALLY forgot about it.
    Which just goes to show I am definitely NOT a thinker. Or at least a competent thinker!
    I give up.
    I will choose my five today.
    *Pouts. Hangs head. Scuffs foot into floor but steps on cat instead. Falls on butt. Hits head on salon table. Is knocked out. Struggles to feet. Turns on computer. Goes to blog but can’t remember what she was going to do…*

  2. From a fellow Taurus, Happy Birthday! From Tarot.com — default for iGoogle…

    You are in no mood to compromise today, but being overly stubborn won’t necessarily bring you any closer to your goals. If you find yourself in the middle of a conflict now, you might be certain that your unique solution is the right one. However, it may be better to take a few steps back so you can get a better perspective on what’s happening. Keep in mind that there can be many answers to the same question.


  3. You’re not stubborn, Kristy, rather it’s called determination — one of the major reasons for your success.

    My favorite astrology site is my InBox where I receive a daily email from Astrology.com

    The actual site — partnered with iVillage — offers a lot, including lessons!

  4. I knew you were a Taurus. I adore stubborn people, but I think Larramie is right in that you’re determined, you have — and will — persevere.

    As for the Thinking Bloggers Award, well deserved. You’re about the savviest group of women in the business and your posts always make me stop to reflect. Brava, ladies.

  5. Kristy, my thanks to both you and Google alerts for prompting me to pay the Debs a long-overdue visit!

    I, too, sleep in the Taurus camp, and must take issue with the horoscope you shared. Me, stubborn? Me, lacking perspective? Well, the first may be slightly true, but if the second is then I’m fully delusional and there’s no hope of recovery!

    I see myself as more “determined” than “stubborn” (…which may be proof of my perspective problem!).

    Like: I’m determined not to spend all morning blog-surfing so that I get some writing done.

    Or: I’m determined to get a pedicure before the temps here in Raleigh force me to go barefooted again.


    BTW–I’ve been meaning to tell you how much I enjoyed CATCHING GENIUS! My debut has a Florida setting too…do you think it’s a Taurus thing?

  6. My fellow drunk writers and I thank you for the thinking blog nod, Kristy! I, too, am a Taurus but I only roll my eyes at my horoscope when I don’t like what it has to say. (And I didn’t like the out of touch with reality implications in that one!) On days when it says good things will happen, or nice things about Tauruses in general, I believe every word.

    I like Georgia Nichols. http://www.georgianicols.com/daily/ because she’s funny most of the time.

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