A Snapshot of Jenni L. Walsh’s Debut Year

After spending many years and numerous manuscripts to reach the point where I can proclaim, “I’m a published author!” it’s a bit surreal that my debut year — and my time on the Debutante Ball — is winding down. It’s been our goals to give everyone a glimpse into our author lives, our book journeys, and even into our personal lives. We’ve shared our publishing fears, our covers, our celebrity dream readers, questions we had about the industry (aka, I interviewed my editor), deleted scenes, details into our characterswhat we’ve learned, personal moments (like, the day I quit writing), and more! We covered a ton of topics, and I hope you’ve all enjoyed being along for the ride (or catching up now if you’re new to the Deb Ball).

If you’re not sick of me yet, I’ve cobbled together other highs, essays, and hoorays while publishing BECOMING BONNIE, which is the untold story of how Bonnie Parker became half of the infamous Bonnie and Clyde duo during the 1920s.

It’s surely been a jam-packed, wonderful (and emotionally exhausting) debut year, in which I feel very grateful, and I’m excited to be working on my sophomore novel. While BECOMING BONNIE is Bonnie’s origin story, this next novel, SIDE BY SIDE, will continue Bonnie’s story into the infamous crime spree with Clyde Barrow. I hope you’ll keep an eye out for it in Spring 2018 🙂





Author: Jenni L. Walsh

Jenni L. Walsh spent her early years ​chasing around cats, dogs, and chickens in Philadelphia's countryside, before dividing time between a soccer field and a classroom at Villanova University. She put her marketing degree to good use as an advertising copywriter, zip-code hopping with her husband to DC, NYC, NJ, and not surprisingly, back to Philly. There, Jenni's passion for words continued, adding author to her resume. She now balances her laptop with a kid on each hip, and a four-legged child at her feet. BECOMING BONNIE (Tor Forge/Macmillan, 5/9/2017) is her debut novel that tells the untold story of how church-going Bonnelyn Parker becomes half of the infamous Bonnie and Clyde duo during the 1920s. SIDE BY SIDE, telling Bonnie and Clyde's crime spree story, will be released in the summer of 2018. Please learn more about Jenni's books at jennilwalsh.com.

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