Deb Elise’s Tips for a Well-Fueled Writer

{Insert 1950’s PSA music here — you know the type — it usually plays over black and white films of smiling families learning how to eat healthy meals, not talk to strangers… or duck and cover.  You’ll have to imagine the overly upbeat and very white-bread narrator as well.}

Welcome!  So you’re interested in fueling a writer.  You’ve certainly come to the right place.  The well-fueled writer indeed requires very specific input in order to thrive.  For a glimpse of what the writer ingests in her natural habitat, let’s take a look at Debutante Elise Allen, preparing for the debut of her Young Adult novel, Populazzi.  Let’s see… what’s fueling Deb Elise?

  1. Cup of CoffeeCoffee Hmmm… it seems Deb Elise is ingesting what looks like several gallons of coffee a day.  This keeps her bright-eyed and bushy-tailed for those late nights at the computer.  Her stomach might not be happy, but her to-do list is beaming with pride!  Way to go, Deb Elise!

  2. Crush ControlBooks To keep her mind sharp, Deb Elise is constantly reading books!  Why, she even brings them with her to the gas station, the supermarket… and is that Jennifer Jabaley’s Crush Control sitting next to the toilet?  Indeed it is!

  3. Elise And Oscar the GrouchHuman Interaction You can’t write if you have nothing to write about, so most days, Deb Elise goes through the herculean effort to change out of her pajamas in order to hang out with real live human beings.  Look!  There she is all dressed up for a night on the town with Oscar the Grouch!

  4. deadlinesDeadlines Deb Elise is in the sub-species of writer Scritturo Procrastinatus, which means she functions best on a hearty diet filled with seemingly impossible deadlines. These deadlines can be imposed by either herself or those writing her paychecks, but they’re invaluable when it comes to kicking her off Twitter and Facebook long enough to get her butt to work.

There you have it!  Coffee, Books, Human Interaction, and Deadlines: the Four Major Fuel Groups that keep Deb Elise going!

Tell us… what fuels your writing?  We look forward to hearing all about it!

17 Replies to “Deb Elise’s Tips for a Well-Fueled Writer”

  1. Love the pic of you with Oscar! 🙂

    My writing fuel? Tea, chocolate, good books to read, and the occasional cocktail. And CPs who encourage me and/or kick my butt when needed. 🙂

  2. I’m with you on everything but caffeine. Human interaction is definitely an important one – I get some great ideas from listening to other people’s stories or eavesdropping on conversations.

    I do wish I didn’t have to get out of my pajamas to do it, though.

    You look gorgeous in that dress! How fun!

    1. You go without caffeine??? I’m very impressed. I’ve cut out a lot in the past several months — almost all dairy and gluten (I’m not perfect with it, but I’ve dialed it waaaaaaay back), and soda (not since before I went to Hawaii in April). Coffee, however… just can’t let it go.

  3. Miss Snark ran a contest once – create a song about writing. The winner was sung to the Battle Hymn of the Republic and said, “We have a lot of friends although we never leave the house…” Ain’t that the truth! Human Interaction is critical. I’ve heard.

    1. I love that line!!!! I don’t know if it’s the same for on-the-spectrum kids in terms of playgroups or playdates, but 90% of the time, it’s my daughter who gets me out of the house and hanging with friends. I’ve been very lucky that her closest friends have moms who have become some of MY closest friends, so since I’m keeping Miss M’s schedule fairly full, I don’t hermit as much as I normally would.

      Not sure what I’ll do when Miss M is old enough to not want me along on her playdates. Spend a lot more time in my pajamas, no doubt.

  4. Hmmm. Trader Joe’s jarred Lemon Curd is fuel. As is a trip to my bookshelf/bookstore/library for instant inspiration. Taking Olive for a walk. And as Linda said, a cocktail/glass of wine/homebrew is always welcomed, too.

    Whew! Thanks, Elise–I feel utterly raring to go now!

    1. I believe I would eat jarred lemon curd by the jar. Have you tried their Pumpkin Butter? Amazing. Spread on a brown rice tortilla with almond butter… insaaaaaaanely good.

      1. Elise, I DO eat it by the jar (by the spoon, who needs to waste precious calories on a vessel like toast?) and yes, I adore their pumpkin butter too–I whisk a spoonful into everything from yogurt to soups. And thanks for the tip on the tortilla–I’m so in!

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