How to Deal With Rejection in Three Easy Steps

I like Don Julio, but they’re not paying me any money to say that, so you get whatever tequila you like.

When my first book — The Book That Shall Never Be Published — was out on submission, it was a soul-sucking, nerve-wracking, difficult time. I’d like to say that I kept my head up, looked for the bright side, pulled my big girl panties on and woke up each morning with hope and optimism and the grand thought that if this book didn’t sell, my next one (that I hadn’t written yet) would.

But I did not do anything of those things.

I drank tequila. Lots of it. And wallowed. And whined to my husband who is surprisingly still my husband. And maybe cried a little bit while listening to Norah Jones’ first album on repeat (oh, wait— no. That was a different time). Point being, I did not deal with rejection well.

So I could sit here and wax poetic about how you SHOULD deal with rejection. Or I could just be honest.

1. Go buy tequila.

2. Drink it.

3. Then pull your big girl panties on and either revise your manuscript that’s not selling or write a new manuscript.

And if you need a listening ear to cry and/or whine to, email me. I’ve been there.

Author: Colleen Oakley

Colleen Oakley is the author of BEFORE I GO (Simon & Schuster/Gallery, Jan. 2015), a love story. A former editor for Marie Claire and Women's Health & Fitness, she's now an Atlanta-based freelance writer. Find out more at

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