The Little Giant of Aberdeen County has been chosen as the inaugural book pick for the Twitter Mom’s Book Club! If you’re a mom and you Twitter, join in the reading fun!
Deb Tiffany will be appearing at A Great, Good Place for Books in Oakland, CA on 22 January at 7:00 PM. If any of you are in the East Bay, come stop by and say hi!
Ex Deb Gail’s CANCER IS A BITCH was reviewed on The Feminist Review and Amy Sue Nathan’s blog. You can read her interview with Irene Levine on Fractured Friendships and The Huffington Post. Erin Balser conducted a Twitter interview on Books in 140 and also wrote a 140 character review of CANCER IS A BITCH here. On January 20th she will be interviewed on the Every Day Goddess radio show on the Health and Harmony Radio Network. On January 26th she will be interviewed on the Stupid Cancer Show. On January 28th Dr. Oz will interview her for the Oprah and Friends radio show.
Friend of Deb News
Suzanne Kamata, co-editor (with Deb Kristina) for fiction at Literary Mama announced that Call Me Okaasan: Adventures in Multicultural Mothering, is available for pre-order from Amazon. Suzanne and twenty women writers from around the world, including Violet Garcia-Mendoza, Kate MacVean and Susannah Pabot, contributed to this book. Congratulations!
Just got my Damned Scribbling Woman T-shirt. Love it, will wear it proudly!