From the 2013 Debs…
Deb Dana is super excited for her event this Thursday with former Deb Sarah Pekkanen at One More Page in Arlington, VA! The event begins at 7:00 — come one, come all!
Deb Susan will be speaking at the Auburn Book Affair in Auburn, California next Saturday, April 27. Hope to see you there!
Deb Kerry will be at C2E2 in Chicago next weekend, and on Sunday she will be on a panel called FOES, FANGS, and FURY with Anne Bishop, Amber Benson, and Christina Henry.
Deb Dish – What part of your writing have you struggled the hardest to improve?
Deb Amy: I am sometimes pronoun challenged and often punctuation possessed. Meaning, I screw up the mechanics of things on early drafts, which makes for a lot more work on the revision front. Trying to temper my comma-love, keep track of he’s and she’s, and keep my em-dashes to a minimum. Maybe.
Deb Dana: Raising the stakes. I’m better at that now, but I often want to protect my protagonist, and that’s the wrong impulse for a good plot!
Deb Kerry: Plot. Oh, and apparently world building. I’m learning that if you’re going to write a trilogy in a complicated new world it would probably be smart to develop the world before you write the first book.
Deb Susan: I struggle with passive constructions, especially in early drafts. I have to stay on my toes to keep things active!
Your Turn!! Tell us what you struggle to improve – writing-related or otherwise!