I remember my teen years as one where I was quite the rebel. I dressed as if I was channeling Molly Ringwald, listened to The Smiths and tried to take up smoking clove cigarettes. (Note to impressionable young readers: don’t bother with the clove cigarettes they taste like a burnt spice cabinet and no one looks cool hacking up mucus chunks)
I’ve come to the realization that it is quite possible that I was no where as cool as I pictured myself. I knew I didn’t have what it took to be a popular girl. First there was the problem with my laugh- when I really get going I snort. You never see a popular girl snort. Secondly, I lacked any and all athletic ability which might have propelled me to popular status. Thirdly, contact with boys reduced me to acting like an extreme special needs individual. It has been my experience that teen boy are not interested in socially maladaptive girls.
Despite never being popular, I never really got going as a rebel either. I was a good student and was generally nice to my elders. I didn’t like the taste of beer (which was all anyone could ever afford) so at parties I would take a bottle, pour it into a planter somewhere and fill it up with water. (a few years later in college I would discover vodka, but that is another story) Then there was the fact that I considered it a very real possibility that my father would kill me if he ever caught me doing drugs, having sex or doing any activity not approved of by the young Republican’s association. Actually, I feared that should my father catch me engaged in any of these activities I would wish for death as a sweet release from my pain. I did engage in a lot of pranks (more of these in the weeks to come), but the truth is I made a lousy teenage rebel.
I’ve decided to take up being a rebel now. This has several advantages: my dad can no longer ground me, I’ve got my own car and I don’t have to wear a school uniform (it is really hard to look like a rebel with navy knee highs). I’ve decided that for my first act as a rebel I’m going to give up worrying about what other people think. Not the people that matter in my life- but all the extra people, people who feel comfortable saying what they think are the “right” kinds of books, fashion, politics or views. I’m going to do what is right for me and if someone looks down their nose I’m going to walk right past-and give a big, loud, snorty, laugh.
Still hungry for more Deb news? Mia King is being hosted by Tasha Alexander for a cocktail party over at Good Girls Kill for Money. You don’t want to miss this so be sure to stop by!
Ooh, I love The Smiths!
Can’t wait to see what your dad has to say about your new rebel stand. And I am TOTALLY cheering you on … life’s too short to get worked up about “everyone” else … I’d like to think that as I approach my 40’s (they’re the new 20, right?), I’m finally getting past the “everyone” else stage. Well, almost … 😉
I always thought those that didn’t follow the “beer drinking/drug using/disobedient to their parents” life were the rebels. It sounds like you were more of a rebel than you initially thought. Good for you.
Actually, 40 is the new 15, so we’re allowed to rebel all over again! We’re eagerly awaiting Dad’s grave response 🙂 Great post, Eileen, I love this stage of my life too.
Heading over to join the coctail party!
And 50 is the new 20 IMHO.
I guess I have never been a rebel — or at least flagrantly.
An undercover rebel.
That’s what I am.
You know. The kind that tears those mattress tags off that say, “Do not remove under penalty of law…”
That kind.
I SO enjoy reading this blog.
Uh-oh, Eileen gave us a few “previews” to look forward to…proof of her new attitude! And, in echoing Patricia’s comment, I enjoy reading this blog so much that this Tuesday is almost bittersweet with GOOD THINGS’ debut. As eager as I am to read all six books, once they’re all out, you’ll be all gone. 🙁
Larramie- you’ll never get rid of us. We are like tissue on your shoe. I think the best thing about getting older is moving into my cranky old lady attitude. I fully plan to be one of those old ladies who says whatever is on my mind.
Eileen, I, too, am an anti-rebel and Maureen is a genius for recognizing that.
Okay, just as I was about to post, the deb page began shaking itself up and down. Or was it Eileen’s Very Perturbed Dad trying to get to the bottom of the vodka discovery in college?
How I loved those clove cigarettes. My friends and I thought we were so worldly when we smoked them.
I love the new rebellious you! Isn’t it wonderful to be a grown up rebel?
I beg to differ. Popular girls ala beauty pageant queen Sandra Bullock in Miss Congeniality has a fabulous snort!
Now I know why I left town for the weekend. I went to San Antonio for the weekend to avoid having to read about MY REBEL. She didn’t disappoint as she told about the clove cigarettes, which I knew about. Couldn’t believe she would like those things and would gag at trying to inhale. Which parties did you go to that had beer? (How come I never got invited to them.Probably bought cheap beer.)
“I considered it a very real possibility that my father would kill me if he ever caught me doing drugs, having sex or doing any activity not approved of by the young Republican’s association.” I wouldn’t have killed you as torture lasts longer. (A few years in a convent school for example)
You and I talked about you doing drugs. I said if you did them you would obvioulsy know all about them and could handle going through rehab and we would be waiting for you when you got out. And it should have read any activity not approved by your mom and I. The Young Republican’s would determine a political philosophy not on how to raise kids. The Republicans promote free thinking and not a mindless following of the politics of a group of leftists. (The Democrats wouldn’t let a pro life govenor speak at their last convention. The Republican’s let speakers who disagreed with GW to speak on several different issues, pro abortion and federal funding of stem cell research.)
“My dad can no longer ground me” and that is the problem with you becoming a success in your own right. I can tell you, “You disappointed your mother and I” and if I raised you as I thought I had, would be the worst thing I could ever say to you. So far you aren’t as bad a liberal as you think. You believe in several (actually many, but I wanted to impress you at how tolerant I am) issues I disagree with but so far no major ones that will get you disinherited and disowned.
Still your “Very Proud Father”
P.S. Still waiting for the Crimes and Misdemeanors at the end of the month .