Punting to Moonrat

My editor sent me two copies of my book this week: real, finished, hardcover copies, with the gorgeously formatted interior, and pretty dustjacket. I washed my hands before touching, handled them gingerly, and checked that they used the author photo I liked best. I admired the color of the book under the dustjacket, a lovely subtle blue that matches the cover illustration. I opened it to look at each of the faded Cambridge photos that mark a change in narrator. Then I closed it quickly. I wouldn’t, and won’t, look at the words.

There’s nothing I can do about them now. I’m convinced that if I read any of it, I’ll see something I want to change. My first thought for this week’s topic of “dialogue” was to compose some pithy writing advice and offer tasty samples from my book. But I’m not really up for that.

So, for your enjoyment, here are links to entertaining editor/publisher dialogue (and monologue) courtesy of anonymous blogging editor Moonrat:

Our records are poor, our blood pressure is high



A personal service

Fear of failure

12 Replies to “Punting to Moonrat”

  1. I’m experiencing a similar aversion to my ARCs. I’m sure I won’t touch the final hardcover version of my book with a ten-foot pole!

    The “fear of failure” story is very well-told and a good lesson for us all.

  2. I read my ARC, but have had my hardcover book for several weeks now and haven’t read any of it. It’s more like I’ve left that story behind already. Weird, eh? Like it belongs to everyone now and not just me. Congrats on a fine looking book!

  3. Even though I’m still 16 months away from seeing the first copies of my debut novel, I’m having nightmares about it. The very idea terrifies me.

    On the bright side, I do so love Moonrat’s posts, especially the ones starring Robert the Publisher. Thanks for the links to some of my old favorites, and huge good luck to you! I’m looking forward to reading the book.


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