Girl Thursday

Coming January 08, 2009
Coming January 08, 2009

Hi everyone! I’m Tiffany, the Thursday deb, although in real life I’m nothing like a debutante. I live in the San Francisco Bay Area with my husband and three, young children, am prone to wearing Birkenstocks and cowboy boots, can’t curtsy, and believe that Lay’s plain potato chips and champagne is the perfect food pairing.

Before becoming a novelist, and before getting married and having kids, I taught literature and writing at UC-Irvine and the Cooper Union. I have an MFA and a PhD in Victorian Literature, and my favorite book since the age of nine has been Jane Eyre, a character who wasn’t debutante material, either.

I’m so thrilled to be participating in this group over the next year. In fact, the coming months will be filled with “firsts” for me. Yesterday my oldest daughter started Kindergarten (I cried; she didn’t). It will be the first time all three of my children are in school for at least part of the day, my first Christmas in a house we bought last year (and still have yet to fully unpack), my first time blogging, and, of course, the first time I’ve ever had a novel published!

The Little Giant of Aberdeen County is the story of Truly, a woman born with the condition of gigantism in a small, upstate New York town. The perennial outsider of the town, her destiny starts to change when her beautiful sister leaves her son in Truly’s care, forcing her to move in with her brother-in-law and become the mistress of a house she did not choose. When Truly begins uncovering the secrets of a family quilt, however, she must also begin to reckon with her own enormity, discovering along the way that mercy has a price and that love doesn’t always come ordered to size.

I hope you will enjoy reading Little Giant as much as I enjoyed writing it. And I hope you enjoy the upcoming year with this new class of Debs. We’re all different, but I know that whatever the topic we’ll have plenty to say and lots of laughs along the way! So log on and enjoy!

Deb Tiffany

13 Replies to “Girl Thursday”

  1. Tiffany! I sent my oldest off to kindergarten this week, too! And it was the same for me. I cried, he didn’t. I didn’t think I’d cry, either. He’d already been to preschool and day care. But kindergarten was different somehow.

    I love the sound of your book and can’t wait to hear more about it and you as the year goes on. Welcome, fellow Deb!

  2. Wow, you are in the Glamour Magazine stress test thick of things, aren’t you? Lots on your plate, Deb Tiffany! And sending that baby off to kindergarten is so painful. We sent our first-born off to college two weeks ago and already the separation is intensifying–he announced that while he’ll be coming home next weekend for a party, he’ll only stay here one night b/c he’s going to stay with friends in town at the university that night. Boo hoo hoo. Here I had visions of this big-screen soft-focus lens homecoming, fixing his favorite meal and tucking him into his freshly-made bed, and instead he’s opting for the linoleum floor in someone else’s dorm room. Ho hum…Life goes on, eh?

    We’re so happy you are part of the 2009 Debutante Class and your book sounds so interesting, I can’t wait to read it!

  3. That’s so strange– I sent my one and only off to Kindergarten this week, too… They grow up so fast. I guess we’ll all have lots to write about next week when we blog about going “back to school”!

    Your book sounds so intriguing, Tiffany. I can’t wait to read it. I used to be a devoted reader of the Guinness Book of World Records, and I was sad to hear that the tallest woman in the world died recently.

  4. Hurray, Tiffany! What a big year for you. The important question is–when you’re eating your chips and champagne, do you wear the cowboy boots or the Birkenstocks?

  5. Jane Eyre is my favorite book, too!

    And Hachette sent me an ARC of your book, and i’m dying to read it, but I’m afraid of reviewing it too early. grrr. I might do it anyway and repost the review when it comes out?

  6. I love Jane Eyre and also love the premise and cover of your book. Fascinating!

    Great post.

    BTW, I just took my munchkin to her first day of part-time daycare today and will be leaving her there alone starting next week. I will probably cry!

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