Memoir: The Perfect Excuse for Alpine Escapism


This week we’re writing about jobs, hobbies, or trips that connect to our books. I could explain how the years I spent as a rape crisis counselor gave me the perfect experience to write my story in a way that contextualized it within women’s broader experiences (hopefully). But…enough with the heavy! (For now.)

Hopefully you’ll forgive me for instead indulging in my favorite topic: the mountains.

The mountainous wilderness serves an important role at the end of my memoir as the “resilience” half of my story. The opportunities I had to climb and run in the Rockies made all the difference as I rebuilt a life in the aftermath of the trauma. Mountain adventuring has been the way I’ve coped with chronic pain, managed post-traumatic stress disorder, and reminded myself to live in the present.

I remain grateful that I continue to have the privilege of seeking out the Rockies as I’ve written and published my memoir. I need them today as much as I needed them when I first sought their comfort years ago.


Wetterhorn Peak, San Juan Mountains


Approach to a winter ascent of Mt. of the Holy Cross


Maroon Peak, Elk Mountains


Capitol Peak, Elk Mountains


Blanca Peak, Sangre de Christos. My partner and I celebrating completing all of Colorado’s 14,000-foot peaks!


Crossing the finish line of my first 50-mile ultra-marathon


As proud as I am of those accomplishments, some of the most memorable days I’ve spent in the Rockies are the ones I spent in solitude –

Never Summer Mountains


Chicago Basin, San Juan Mountains


Steamboat Springs

Author: Lynn K Hall

Lynn Hall is a memoirist, activist in the movement to end sexual violence, ultra-runner, and crazy cat lady. Her memoir, CAGED EYES: AN AIR FORCE CADET’S STORY OF RAPE AND RESILIENCE, was published by Beacon Press in February 2017. Her writing has previously appeared in the New York Times, The LA Times, Hippocampus Magazine, The Sexual Assault Report, The Manifest-Station, Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, and elsewhere. In the summers, Lynn copes with publication anxiety by spending too many days in the Colorado mountains, and in the winters, with pans of brownies. She lives in Boulder with her partner and their 23 cats. Just kidding…she only has five.

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