Newsflash: March 24, 2013

From the 2013 Debs…

Deb Kerry is working through revisions on WAKEWORLD, and is grateful for her fantastic editor.

Deb Susan is working on the third Shinobi mystery – and trying to deal with the excitement of knowing reviewers are reading Claws of the Cat  – she can’t wait until the book is out in the world!

Deb Amy had Coffee with a Canine this week! You can meet Deb Amy’s dogs by clicking here.


Past Deb News

Deb Elise Allen will be one of sixteen YA authors and bloggers meeting and riding rides with fans at Disneyland on March 30, as part of the Yappiest Day on Earth – if you’re a fan of YA, this is one event you do not want to miss!

Part 1 of Deb Tawna Fenske’s GETTING DUMPED is FREE in the Kindle Store. Click through and snap up your copy now.


Deb Friends

Deb Friend Erika Robuck was mentioned in a Wall Street Journal article about Zelda Fitzgerald and the new trend of historical novels featuring the wives of well-known historical features. Congratulations, Erika!



Deb Dish – What’s the strangest thing you have ever been seen holding in public?

Deb Amy: My book! When I received my ARCs I walked up and down the little main street in my town holding it. I thought someone might notice and ask about it. Of course, that might have happened if anyone was on the street. I live in  a tiny, sleepy town.

Deb Kerry: a penguin. (At least that’s the one I’m going to confess to.) Sadly, not a real penguin, but I do take pictures of Random Penguin in stores sometimes when we’re out and about.

Deb Susan: a hummingbird. It flew into my mother’s house and got stuck, and after persuading her to stop chasing it with a broom (not an effective solution, by the way) I got out a ladder and caught it in my hands. When I took it out in front of the house to release it, it sat in my hands for a couple of minutes – long enough for a neighbor to ask, “What have you got there?” He didn’t believe it was a hummingbird until he saw it fly away – freaked out but fortunately not injured.


Your Turn!! What odd item(s) have you been caught holding?