The dedication for my novel was probably the easiest line I wrote in those 388 pages. I didn’t even have to think about it.
But first a little background: Like most lawyers who work in D.C., my husband doesn’t exactly adore his job. He hates arguing and is allergic to stress (true story: once, in the middle of a heated argument, I glanced over to see that he’d fallen asleep. As you can imagine, this didn’t exactly bolster my sense that I was bringing him around to my point of view). If he could go back and re-do a few pivotal scenes in his life, I think he’d change the course of his career and become an architect instead (and, quite possibly, stay awake during that argument). He loves buildings and design and he’s got a great, methodical, mathematical mind.
When our second child began school, my husband encouraged me to pursue my dream – to write a book – in those suddenly, deliciously free hours. He never once suggested that I take on more free-lance magazine and newspaper articles to bring in income and relieve his burden of being the sole breadwinner. He probably would’ve loved to have taken a job with a lower paycheck and less pressure – but he put his dream on hold so I could chase, wrestle to the ground, and hog-tie mine (hey, no one ever said writing was pretty). He never for a minute doubted that I could do it.
Together, he and I have created a pretty tight family. Call us corny, but we like nothing more than hanging out with our kids (except, perhaps during the hours of 6 to 8 a.m., when they inexplicably seem their peppiest). My happiest recent memory is of last Saturday night, when we made s’mores in the fireplace and then discovered The Polar Express was on cable. I cooked up two mugs of hot buttered rum, our kids sprawled in our laps, and we all got caught up in the movie’s magic.
So my dedication was to the four main guys in my life – Glenn and our three boys. From right to left in this photo, they’re Jackson, Will and Dylan. Bella our rescued black lab, who didn’t score a dedication, is wearing the Santa hat.
I’ve got a few other people I’d like to dedicate books to, if I’m lucky enough to publish more (yes, Mom and Dad, that means you. Hang in there, okay?)
I’m not going to show my husband this post until my book comes out. You see, he doesn’t know about the dedication. But once he sees it, I’m pretty sure he’ll understand why.
Oh, I love this I agree, writing my dedication was the easiest (and most heartfelt) writing I’ve ever done.
What a happy pic!!
“he put his dream on hold so I could chase, wrestle to the ground, and hog-tie mine”–a lovely (and vivid!) sentiment 🙂
I hope he can switch to architecture one day, or to some other job he loves, or maybe even just another aspect of law.
My dad was a contract lawyer for years and years until he could bear it no more and threw it away to become a game inventor!
What a lovely post! I’m saving your book to read until 2010 because I’m doing the Debs Challenge.
What a guy! Really nice post today, Sarah. And that picture of you all made me smile.
What a sweet family photo, and what handsome boys!
So wonderful that you can say without hesitation that the dedication to your novel was the easiest line you wrote! That’s beautiful!
For the men in your life you write a book about sisters. Somehow this feel most appropriate, Srah, and your lovely picture could well be captioned: “It’s a wonderful life!
Lovely post! And guess what? When you’re a big time author, you can get him a gift certificate to architect school for Christmas (several Christmases)! People change careers three times (or something) in their lives. You’re his ticket, baby!
Hurrah! I love this post, and I *love* that picture.
My dedication is also to my husband and it says, “First you made me believe, then you made it possible.”
We’ve got some good guys, don’t we?
Thanks, everyone… let’s hope Glenn gets to switch jobs soon!