Deb Molly Goes Out Crying & Ranting About Air Bud (But What’s New?)

You guys, I totally suck at goodbyes. I always cry. When I was little and my parents would leave us at my grandparents’ house for the weekend, I’d be crying before the car even left the driveway, upsetting my parents and probably offending my grandparents. I cried at the end of every school year, I cried when my middle school chorus teacher got a job in another district and left us, I cried when I moved away from Iowa, I cried when I even THOUGHT about my dog dying.

Don’t get me started about the scene in AIR BUD where the little boy is trying to get his dog to run away and find a new family. “Go on, Buddy, you’re free now. Go on, Buddy! Get! You have to go, Buddy. Please, Buddy, go. get! Goooo! Get out of here! Don’t you understand?! Get! I don’t want you anymore! Get!” SOBBBBBB.

And then he throws the ball so the dog will chase it, and by the time the loyal dog comes back with the ball, the boy has gotten on a boat and is floating away… and the dog TRIES TO SWIM TO HIM…

So what if it’s a mediocre movie about a dog who can play basketball; it is still the SADDEST MOVIE MOMENT EVER.

Seriously, watch 3:30-end and tell me you’re not at least a little bit misty:

(And if not: what is wrong with you? DID YOU DONATE YOUR HEART TO SCIENCE?)

Speaking of dogs, I even get sad when I have to leave mine alone in the house so I can, you know, go get groceries or have breakfast with a friend or be a functional human being. Because WHAT IF MY DOG MISSES ME?

And that’s the weird part about my weepy goodbyes: they’re not so much about me as they are about the people I’m leaving. I’m just so worried that they’ll be lonely! I hate thinking about that moment when the person you just left stops waving and finally turns away from the window to go back to their solitary life. I’m sorry I have to leave!

But you know what? This time it’s okay, because Reader, you are in such good hands with the amazing new class of Debs. You won’t be lonely at all! You won’t even notice I’m gone! You’ll be too busy getting to know them and enjoying their hilarious anecdotes and thoughtful comments to be sad, I promise! Here, go chase this ball while I run after that boat….

Friends, it’s been an awesome, surprising, crazy year. Thank you to my fellow Debs — past, present, and future! — for all the support & friendship, and huge congratulations to all of you!




10 Replies to “Deb Molly Goes Out Crying & Ranting About Air Bud (But What’s New?)”

  1. Molly, if I’d known you were gonna pull out the animal-goodbye scenes, I’d have come prepared!!

    We are a big fan of the BUDDIES movies in our house but indeed, when it comes to AIR BUD, we can’t go there. Mom can’t deal.

    Now where’s that Golden Girls cheesecake clip when I really need it??!!

    Indeed, Molly, it really has been a, oh you know, A BALL!!

  2. Air Bud??? I did not see that coming. But after a year, perhaps I should have. Oh Molly, how lucky I am that we live in the same city so I won’t even have to miss you! But one day we will go to dinner, and you will get on the el to go home and I will stand there waving as your car pulls away and YOU BETTER CRY.

  3. Okay, I have to admit I never saw an Air Bud movie. No, I’m not heartless! It’s because I know dog movies NEVER end well for the dog, and I hate crying in public.

    But it’s not really goodbye here, is it? Because we can still come back and visit as often as we like and, as you say, we’re leaving the Ball in such fantastic hands! Works for me. 🙂

  4. You’re right, Molly – we are indeed leaving our readers in great hands with the new class. I’m sure they will do all Debs proud when they start their stint in just a few days!

    What a year it’s been.

  5. Once a deb, always a deb–that’s the good news! The 2009 Debs all still keep in touch and share our triumphs and tragedies with one another. What a blessing it was to make my debut with such outstanding writers! And I’m sure you all feel the same.

    -Deb Meredith

  6. Molly, your posts will be missed, for sure , but we hope you’ll come back and visit us often! As Meredith said, once a deb, always a deb! (We’re like the Marines that way…)

    I never saw Air Bud and I admit I’m too scared to watch the clip. When I’m out of town, my husband tortures me by putting the phone on speaker and saying “where’s mommy Oobie??” because he knows my little cat will start crying and running around looking for me. He finds this funny. I find it torturous. So I completely know where you’re coming from!

  7. You guys, I totally suck at goodbyes. I always cry. When I was little and my parents would leave us at my grandparents’ house for the weekend, I’d be crying before the car even left the driveway, upsetting my parents and probably offending my grandparents. I cried at the end of every school year, I cried when my middle school chorus teacher got a job in another district and left us, I cried when I moved away from Iowa, I cried when I even THOUGHT about my dog dying.

  8. I can’t watch and I’m tearing up anyway. I’m not going to say you’ll be missed because the 2013 Debs expect you to pop in (often) to say hi!!

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