Fifteen Minutes of Shame, Five Minutes of Sonnets by Deb Danielle Younge-Ullman

Fifteen Minutes of Shame by Lisa DailyFifteen Minutes of Shame is a fabulous, funny, smart, tightly written book with a huge heart. It will grab you from the first page and drag you, will you, nil you, to the finish. I loved it, read it in a single sitting, and found myself thinking about it for days afterward because in addition to a compelling plot and charming heroine, this book delves into the meaning of family and the nature of love in a very interesting way. You’ll have to go buy it and read it to find out more.

In the meantime, I’m once again offering sonnets of great intention and dubious quality, inspired by (but not indicative of) Fifteen minutes of Shame, to Deb Lisa and all of you. I am also taking suggestions for titles for these sonnets as my muse seems to flee at the mere mention of a title.


Oh Darby, you knew your man was busted
At the dumpster in your dirty sweatpants.
National TV, your ego dusted,
The bastard deserving no second chance.

Dazzler and charmer-cum-philanderer,
Ruins your life, breaks your heart, in one fell swoop.
More than a Dreamgirl can face with candor
With vultures circling to get the scoop.

A sexy lawyer uncovers the mess
Of lies and dinners and beds at the Ritz.
No clues and no warnings, you must confess,
And she! shallow harridan…and a ditz.

But dry your tears dear, and put on some Spanx,
Your heart will survive this unfitting thanks.


The Dreamgirl has fallen from perfect life
To vomit, failure and national shame;
Yesterday happy and satisfied wife,
Today the sad pawn in a vicious game.

Will Darby fall down or get up and fight?
Can she manage to take her own advice?
To stomach Will’s ignominious flight…
Or consort with lawyers and roll the dice?

True love doesn’t always end up happy,
And happy love isn’t always so true.
Darby’s the first to admit, it’s crappy
And tell you to bid the cheater adieu.

Oh tell us quickly for the end is nigh:
Take him back, Darby, or kiss him goodbye?

Now go out and get Lisa’s book!

Thanks for reading.

Deb Danielle

13 Replies to “Fifteen Minutes of Shame, Five Minutes of Sonnets by Deb Danielle Younge-Ullman”

  1. Danielle,

    I LOVED this! I read it, I laughed out loud, and then, I read it again.

    This one is definitely going in my scrapbook. Thank you so much, I’m honored. 🙂



  2. Oh, the lucky ones who read FIFTEEN MINUTES in one sitting… A late start last night forced me to close the book on page 70, just when I KNEW there was
    so much more going on. 😉 *sigh*

    As for that title, Danielle: Dream Love Is a Sham!

  3. Gail, I’m starting to think I should change careers and become a sonneteer–just because it’s so much fun!

    Larramie, poor you being stuck at page 70. On the other hand it’s fun to have a book you’re dying to get back to. LOVE the title!

    Maureen–thanks for stopping by.


  4. great sonnet … lots of fun!! Can we expect to see “Fifteen Minutes of Shame” at Chapters and Indigo or do we have to order it through Amazon?

  5. Eileen: Shakes, hunh?

    Cindy (logged in as Danielle bc she’s my mom and hasn’t reset things since I was at her house): Thanks Mom. Yes, Fifteen Minutes of Shame is in store. And you should read it. You’ll love it.

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