Welcome to guest author Jennifer Estep (who, by the way, has one way cool website), whose superhero chick lit novel Karma Girl debuted in May, and her sequel, Hot Mama, came out earlier this month. Jen wants to share a little about her favorite pet:
First of all, thanks to the Debs for having me on the blog. You gals rock!
I was really happy when I found out the theme this week is “Family Pets,” because it gives me a chance to talk about the best dog in the world — Lucky.
He was just a puppy when I met him, a few months old, mingling with the other dogs at the local animal shelter. But there was something special about the way he scampered over and sniffed my feet. Something magical about the way he wagged his tail. Something completely adorable about the way his snow-white belly would bounce off the ground when he threw his head back and barked.
So, we took him home from the pound, and I named him Lucky. (Not the most original name, but in my defense, I was only nine at the time. Besides, I knew what would happen to him if we didn’t take him home. That’s another reason he was Lucky.)
Lucky was the best $10 pound dog money could buy. Happy, energetic, enthusiastic, playful. He was Welsh Pembroke Corgi mixed with something else and extremely smart. One of his favorite toys was an empty milk jug. He’d pounce on it, grab it by the handle, shake it with his head, and throw it in the air. When the jug hit the ground, he’d repeat the process all over again.
He loved to go for walks, enjoyed rolling around in the snow, and was terrified of the water hose. He also liked to eat grasshoppers and turtles. (Don’t ask me why).
Over time, Lucky became more my mom’s dog than mine. But that was okay, because they loved each other so much. Whenever she would go out, he’d lay down by the door and wait for her. As soon as he heard her come back, he’d scramble to his feet and start barking. He was that happy to see her. Always.
Sadly, we had to put Lucky to sleep last year. He had a seizure, congestive heart failure, arthritis … it was just time. He was nineteen. Losing him broke my mom’s heart. Mine, too.
But his photo and leash are on my bookcase, and he’ll always be in my heart. One of my books will be dedicated to him. If I ever have a daughter, I hope I’ll find her a dog just like Lucky.
What about you? What memories do you have of your pets? Inquiring minds want to know …
Hi Jennifer! Thanks for coming to The Ball and for writing about Lucky. I’m sad to hear he’s gone but it sounds like he had a great life.
My little cockapoo, Finbar (aka Fin, Finny, Finner, Pooch and a host of other endearments) is hilarious and adorable. Mind you, we thought we were choosing the runt of the litter–he was all shaking and shy when we first met him—and it turns out he just had one of those common puppy illnesses. As soon as he got better we discovered that he’s quite the smart and bossy little fellow. He’s been attempting to rule our lives for over three years now!
Hi Jennifer! Welcome to the Ball and thanks for telling us about your favorite pet.
Danielle–we had the same experience with our pound pup. Sweet innocent blue-eyed baby, very passive. Till we got her home, took her to the vet, found out she was riddled with parasites. Once we got her healthy, turns out she was dominant and aggressive and ultimately the vet told us we should get rid of her. Tell that to our children who were in love with her! So we had to spend the first couple of months with her dominating her back, which really did work, but she is prone to trying to reasserting her dominance whenever possible. Now at least she dominates dogs, rather than people! We call her the “pick up truck dog living in the mini-van world” 😉
Oh, I’ve been loving this week’s posts–all while my 3 year-old golden, Ernie, snoozes at my feet. He joined our family a few weeks after Tank, our 12 year old lab had to be put to sleep. Tank’s dog ID tag is now on my keychain along with dog tags from Snuffy and Molly. The dogs of my childhood. I can’t imagine a house without dogs.
Welcome to the ball! I love Lucky’s story- it reminded me of our first dog. They are heart stealers.
Hi Jennifer,
Thanks so much for joining us today! Your new book, HOT MAMA sounds fantastic — can’t wait to read it.
Hi Jennifer, thanks for visiting! So sorry to hear about Lucky’s passing, but it definitely sounds like he was very Lucky to find you and your mom.
My husband and I brought home our own pound pup, Kia, about a year and a half ago. We were told that her family had to give her up because they didn’t have time for her and she had a slight problem with separation anxiety. SLIGHT was the understatement of the century. Our lovely girl has destroyed a couch, two rooms of carpet, dog beds, leashes, kitchen cupboard doors, a crate (she bit through the bars) and has eaten more non-food items than I care to mention including my favourite Nine West purse and an entire Costco size bottle of Tums. What can I say but that we love her and recognize it was out of anxiety that she destroyed our house. After consulting with our vet and reading many books and websites, we have figured out the best ways to deal with her separation anxiety and can now leave her alone in the house and as long as she has a Kong or a meaty bone to work on, she pretty much leaves our stuff alone.
Tell me you couldn’t love a face like this:
Danielle — I think all dogs have their own little quirks and are hilarious in their own way. Which is why I’m totally a dog person. 🙂
Jenny — No problem. I was happy to drop by. We never had any problems with Lucky being aggressive. But he would get super-excited whenever my mom came back from a long trip. He would bark and run around for hours.
Judy — What a great idea to put the dog tags on your keychain! That’s a great way to keep them close to your heart.
Eileen — I think all pets (especially baby ones) are heart stealers. They look at you with those big eyes, and you just melt.
Lisa — I hope you enjoy HOT MAMA! 😉
Joanne — We were, well, lucky that Lucky never destroyed anything. Your story reminds me of Marley from the book “Marley and Me.” A great, great book for any dog lover. And you’re right. Your pooch is too cute!
Love your stories about your pets, Jenny, Jennifer and the other chiming in. I have a almost 15 year old King Charles Spaniel. Last month his bad eye which he has been blind for years became infected and he had to have it removed. The vet scared me by saying at his age he might not survive the operation. I worried myself sick, but Herman came through just fine and now he’s a cute little one eyed dog, acting half his age!
I should do so good at 100 (in dog years!)
Jenny and Jennifer you are climbing high on my favorite author list because I love humor…and your are two funny gals.
I mean that as a compliment!!!
Hi Jennifer!
I love your books, and Lucky is darling — even if he is over the rainbow now.
I’ve had so many cherished 4-legged friends – all of whom found me. Zeus was a German Sheperd-wolf mix who talked, brought the food dish when he was ready to chow, and had a reputation for being ferocious with my kids’ school friends. (Until they met him.) I had a cat – TC for Tri-Claw – who talked to the birds and squirrels in chirping sound. And Sidney, the panther-looking love cat. I miss them all, but we get visits from the pure white, super loving Crystal next door. I’m waiting for another animal to find me.
Thanks for sharing, and cheers to all your future releases! I’ll be one of the first in line!
Pet you are such a sweetheart for saying that!
And Joanne–I totally forgot, my shiksa twin! Even our mutts are similar! I don’t have time to send a pic of Bridget now but I will later–she is pie-eyed: one blue eye, and one 3/4 blue and 1/4 brown.
Pet — Thanks for the nice words. And I’m glad to know Herman is doing just fine these days. If only we could all be as happy and resilient as most dogs are! 😉
Nancy — I’m so glad you’ve enjoyed my books. That always makes my day. Animals do have a way of finding us, don’t they? I’m glad to know you’ve had so many special ones in your life. 🙂
Nice post. I\’ll return.o
Excellent site – do keep up the good work.