Organize Your Fat Cells Today! by Deb Lisa Daily

Was anyone else pelted with emails and TV advertisements this morning touting miracle weight loss lollypops and special monogrammed canvas bins that would magically compel your children to put away their toys?

Get organized and get skinny, the lofty goals of our generation.

Our great grandmothers and grandfathers are surely laughing their asses off at that one.

My resolution for this year is not exactly world-changing material either, but it’s big, at least, for me.

Like many writers I know, I am rabidly ambitious.

Which means that instead of instead of sinking in and enjoying the special little moments of accomplishment in my life, I am constantly focused on 1) accomplishing the next thing, and 2) how I could improve doing this thing by doing it differently next time.

I don’t seem to have trouble living in the “now” when it comes to my kids, my husband, my friends, or my family. This weird behavior generally only affects me in my professional life.

I usually miss the happy part of the big moment of accomplishment, because I am always looking to the next big moment. When it comes to my work, there is, apparently, no top of the mountain. Only bigger and bigger mountains.

So, my resolution this year is to enjoy every single minute of the launch and book tour for Fifteen Minutes of Shame.

I will take pictures with B-list celebrities and local TV hosts even if I feel goofy doing so. I will send my friends and family postcards from the airports. I will revel in every second of every city. I will not worry about how I could have managed a forty-city tour instead of twenty. I will eat airport food with glee. (hell-o Cinnabon!) I will only read the New York Times list if I’m on it.

I will remember how hard I’ve worked to get here. And I will remember how thankful I am to be here.

I’d love to meet you if I happen to make it to your city

You’ll know me right away, I’ll be the one who’s smiling.


Fifteen Minutes of Shame by Lisa Daily

Author: Lisa Daily

Lisa Daily is a real-life TV dating expert on Daytime. She's a syndicated relationships columnist, a popular media guest seen everywhere from MTV to the New York Times, and the author of the bestselling dating advice book, Stop Getting Dumped! : All you need to know to make men fall madly in love with you and marry "The One" in 3 years or less. Visit lisa online at

17 Replies to “Organize Your Fat Cells Today! by Deb Lisa Daily”

  1. Think of your debut like your wedding day. Remember what a blur it was? A dear friend told me, “Whatever you do, make sure you look into (insert spouses name here) on the altar. It might be the only thing you remember from the day.” So true! So good for you for trying right now to enjoy and savor your debut. Congrats!


  2. Kim,

    Thanks for the great advice. The tour for my dating book, STOP GETTING DUMPED was a garbled blur of interviews at weird hours of the morning, driving around lost in strange cities, and obsessing about the number of people who would or would not show up for my book signings.

    I feel like a born-again virgin for my debut novel — When FIFTEEN MINUTES OF SHAME comes out, I want to eat the catering and dance the night away. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Thanks so much for your sage advice and great comments — we all think you’re great!


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