News Flash! April 15, 2007

Ale! Deb Anna sold the Italian rights to her book, Party Girl, which means that Italians will be able to read all about the misadventures of a ragazza facile (that’s ‘party girl’ to you and me).

Debs on the Road! Deb Kristy will be in Tennessee and Kentucky this coming week. Come see her if you’re near-by! Details here…

Debs on the Web!  Promise Not to Tell has the honor of being a “Pick of the Week” at Sarah Weinman’s excellent crime fiction (and more) blog, Confessions of an Idiosyncratic Mind.  Weinman called Deb Jennifer’s debut “…a story of secrets unburied, friendships cracked and reunited and most of all, of the lonely, prickly, oddly lovable Potato Girl who is damn near impossible to forget.”

Debs Discuss!  Deb Eileen will be talking things over with Deb Jennifer over at Just My Type this Monday – do stop by and say hello, won’t you?

Debs in Springtime! Deb Tish is quoted in Canada’s national paper, The Globe and Mail in Leah McLaren’s for Globe Style column. This week’s topic? Springtime Anxiety.

4 Replies to “News Flash! April 15, 2007”

  1. It is so wonderful to see the incredible success the Debutantes have had in the past few months. Congrats to all of you! Here’s to many more fun accomplishments and oodles of book sales!

  2. Congrats to all the success you guys are having! Kristy, if I as anywhere near Kentucky/Tennessee, I would be sure to come and see you!

  3. Hope both Kristy and Jennifer meet and greet LOTS of fans in the next two weeks. To that end, I already had their “dates” written into my Monday post…just wish we could meet you ALL at once!

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