News Flash: April 22, 2012

From the 2012 Debs…

Deb Joanne went to an amazing signing in Toronto this week for Jay Asher, Lesley Livingston and Charles de Lint. Despite being a little starstruck, she managed to meet Mr. Asher, didn’t fall down or stutter (much) and even coerced him into having his picture taken with her. Joanne also hung out a little with author Cheryl Rainfield and got to say hi to some of the awesome bloggers from The Ontario Blog Squad (Evie, Wendy, Sara, Bonnie, Angel, Michele-sorry if I’m missing anyone!).

Deb Erika was so excited to learn she will be on TWO panels for the upcoming SC Book Festival in May–and she can’t wait until the schedule is official so she can gush more! Stay tuned!

Deb Molly is super excited to announce that she’ll be at the Iowa City Book Festival this July! ALSO there are still a few open spots in her Intro to Picture Book Writing class on Tuesday at StoryStudio Chicago.

Deb Linda has been having fun tracking down In a Fix sightings on the web. It’s like a scavenger hunt! Her favorite so far is the Risingshadow: Beyond the Reality site.

Deb Rachel is excited to be participating in the first ever World Book Night on Monday. She will be giving away free books to light or non-readers in her community, passing out The Things They Carried. Her favorite!

Past Deb News

Deb Jenny Gardiner offered a preview of her upcoming collection NAKED MAN ON MAIN STREET at Tote Bag ‘n’ Blogs–it sounds wonderful and you can check it out here!

Deb Sarah Jio‘s upcoming release BLACKBERRY WINTER received a wonderful write-up in this month’s Library Journal Fiction Preview!

Great news from Deb Eleanor! The New Yorker featured a full-page ad for THE WEIRD SISTERS–see it here!

Deb Dish — Since we’re going to be talking plotting next week, let’s set the stage with a quick poll: Pantser or Plotter, or maybe a little of both?

Deb Joanne I don’t want to give away too much, since we’ll be discussing plotting, but see if you can get my answer from this little hint: PANTSER, TOTAL, UNDENIABLE PANTSER. (Sorry to be so cryptic)

Deb Erika It depends–I think I can be both. In the beginning, it’s all pants, all the time. Then as I get deeper into the story, I plot my course. I find I have to. But that doesn’t mean I won’t go back to pantsing it again.

Deb Molly I’ve done both, but find plotting to be much more effective. Guess I’ll be in the minority again this week!

Deb Linda As much as I’ve tried to incorporate plotting into my routine, I am at heart a total pantser. I can paint out a few scenes in advance–sometimes–but only in very broad strokes, and they always change. Seems my subconscious is a stubborn bitch, and wants it all her own way.

Deb Rachel Both! I start with a plan of where to go, but I almost always veer off course.


9 Replies to “News Flash: April 22, 2012”

  1. Oooh, the plot thickens this coming week! (Sorry. Couldn’t resist.)

    Great news from all the flashers! Thanks for keeping us all in the loop. 🙂

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