Deb News:
Deb Danielle’s critically acclaimed debut Falling Under finally hits the stores on Tuesday!! Run, don’t walk, to your nearest bookstore to be the first on your block to own a copy of this amazing first novel.
Deb Jess just found out Driving Sideways is heading back to press for a THIRD printing! She’s still speechless about this–if she could find her voice, she’d tell you she’s ecstatic.
Deb Eileen was pleased to see a great review for Unpredictable on Krishna’s Books “Unpredictable by Eileen Cook is a unique and hilarious addition to the chick lit genre…it is a highly enjoyable, laugh-out-loud novel that I would recommend to anyone, young or old, male or female – and I don’t have to be psychic to predict that they would enjoy it!”
Deb Danielle got some buzz this week!
Check out Seize A Daisy’s Monday July 21st post where Falling Under is described as “painfully breathtaking” and “a significant dramatic debut”.
And Writer Unboxed is calling Falling Under “stunning” and “a super fast, dark and dynamic read”. They are running a two-part interview of Danielle and have posted a sneak peak at the first two chapters…just in case you can’t wait until Tuesday.
Debs Take San Francisco!
This week the debs (minus Deb Gail) will be in San Francisco to attend the RWA National Conference.
On Wednesday from 5:30-7:30, Debs Eileen, Jenny, Jess and Danielle will be signing books at the Literacy Autographing
On Thursday at 3:15, Debs Eileen, Lisa, Jenny, Jess & Danielle are giving a panel presentation “How Six Debut Authors Partnered for National Publicity”
On Thursday at 7pm, Deb Danielle will be doing her first book store event at Books Inc in Opera Plaza–a reading and signing with fellow Plume author, Kate Veitch.
Deb Founder’s News:
This Monday, July 28th ‘”Kristy Kiernan and Matters of Faith“‘ will be presented on Seize a Daisy.”
Debs are reading:
Deb Eileen just finished Founder Deb- Jennifer McMahon’s second book Island of the Lost Girls. She stayed up to the wee hours to finish it and she gives it a double thumbs up!
Deb Danielle is reading Without A Backward Glance by Kate Veitch.
Congratulations to all the ladies on the great success of their books.
Thanks Cheryl! It has been a wild year.
Congratulations to Jess and Eileen. Also thank you, Danielle.