News Flash: July 17, 2011

From the 2011 Debs…

Deb Eleanor will be at the Monument Art Hop in Monument, CO this Thursday with YA author Sarah Ockler (Twenty Boy Summer, Fixing Delilah), compliments of Covered Treasure Bookstore! Hope to see you there!

Deb Tawna had an exciting week! First, she was flattered to be included in a Writer’s Digest article listing “10 Notable Debuts.” Then she found her inbox flooded with email from people who’d pre-ordered Making Waves and learned the book has shipped more than two weeks early. If you’ve placed an order with Amazon for the paperback, odds are good you’ll see it within a couple days!

Deb Kim will be on Fox 8 Cleveland on Friday morning around 8am, speaking at a conference Friday afternoon and having a book signing at The Learned Owl Bookstore in Hudson, Ohio at 1pm on Saturday, the 23rd. If you’re in the Cleveland/Akron area, please join me!

Deb Elise is sharing karma with Tawna — Populazzi’s shipping early too!  If you’ve ordered it, look for it in your mailbox around the 20th!!!!

Past Deb News

Deb Jenny Gardiner has a new book! Check out House of Cards on Amazon and Smashwords!

Read Deb Eileen Cook‘s interview with TeenRC about books, writing, and inspiration!

Friends of the Debs

Erin Blakemore, author of The Heroine’s Bookshelf, is hosting a Gone With the Wind read-along, starting August 1. Join in, whether you’ve read it before or not!

Deb Dish — If the Debs Could Go To Camp, What Kind of Camp Would They Choose?

Deb Elise

I DO get to go to camp!  My daughter’s day camp has a sleepover night where parents get to join their kids for all the activities… including s’mores.  I can’t wait!!!

Deb Eleanor

I went to a lot of theater camps when I was younger, and I loved them! I think I’d go back to one – I’d love to be part of the cast of a musical again!

Deb Kim

Camp Ritz Carlton. My folks sent me to a Catholic sleep-away camp when I was in fourth grade. Somehow going to confession during camp just doesn’t feel like summer…  My Mom still has the letter I sent her, “If there are spots on this letter, they are my tears. Please come get me.”

Deb Sarah

Is there such thing as a spa camp? If so, I want to go there. (And for the record, there would be no kids allowed at this camp. Well, at least kids of mine!)

Deb Tawna

I love Pure Romance parties (sorta like Tupperware parties, only with “adult products” instead of plastic containers). I think it would be fabulous to have a Pure Romance camp. Um, suffice it to say, no kids allowed.

4 Replies to “News Flash: July 17, 2011”

    1. My Pure Romance consultant stopped by Monday with a special delivery (gotta love that she makes house calls!) and I told her about the camp idea. She thought it was excellent!

  1. I’m with Elise–show me the s’mores and I’m good to go.

    I always imagined the Parent Trap Camp scenario as a kid (minus the long-missing twin, I suppose) but I ended up at soccer camp instead, sprinting my life away before dawn. Where was Hayley Mills when I needed her!?

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