News Flash, June 7

bookcoverDeb Kristina has a new web presence at HarperCollins, with lots of fun trivia and writing tips. Check it out here.

Deb Kristina is also honored and delighted that Real Life & Liars is a Great Lakes, Great Reads pick for the summer by the Great Lakes Booksellers Association.

Want to hear Deb Kristina on the (Internet) radio and talk to her live? She’ll be interviewed at 2 p.m. June 18 on “Romance Radio” powered by BlogTalk Radio. More information, including how to call in, is here.

The Little Giant of Aberdeen County received a four-star review this week in the UK edition of Marie Claire magazine, and another four-star review and the endorsement of the Richard and Judy book club producer in Red Magazine.

Also, Little Giant is out in Germany now, published as Engelflugel (Angelwings).

Deb Meredith was excited to make the May 2009 Bestseller list at Mystery Lovers Bookstore in Pennsylvania. She will have an interview–and a free book giveaway–Monday on

Also, Deb Meredith has three book events next week. Tuesday, June 9 she’ll be kicking off Brooklyn’s summer reading program at the Bay Ridge Branch at 6:30 PM. Wednesday, June 10, she’ll be at the DeKalb branch at 6 PM. And Sunday June 14, she’ll be at Books NJ in Paramus, NJ on a new author panel.

Deb Eve has a number of events in Massachusetts this week: Broadside Books in Northampton on Tuesday, June 9 at 7 PM; Tatnucks Bookseller in Westboro on Saturday, June 13, 12:30 – 2:00 and an encore presentation (and reception!) at the Jenks Center in Winchester on Sunday. She’ll also be a guest on WHMP this Monday morning at 9:30.

Graduate Deb Eileen Cook is running a contest to celebrate the six month anniversary of her book release (What Would Emma Do?). The details are listed on her website

Founder Deb Mia King, Deb Eileen and Deb Kristina joined 50 other authors in celebration of June 15, National Give A Girlfriend a Book Day. The authors will each be giving away 3 books (that’s a lot of books!). Details on their Facebook page or click here for more information.