News Flash, March 22

Deb Katie Alender is excited to present the book trailer for BAD GIRLS DON’T DIE. Click here to watch it at YouTube! She is also excited to finally have her hands on a “real” copy of BGDD, and to report that the book cover is even more gorgeous than she ever imagined.

Deb Meredith is off to Boston on Tuesday for an event with Kate’s Mystery Books at Redbones BBQ called Murder Underbones (55 Chester St., Sommerville, MA) from 5:30-7 PM.

Then, on her way back to NYC, Meredith will stop by the New Canaan, CT Library for a mystery panel with Jane Cleland and Rosemary Harris at noon (151 Main Street).

Deb Eve invites everyone to visit her beautiful new website! While there, you can read the first chapter as well as early reviews of FIRST COMES LOVE, THEN COMES MALARIA. You can also learn about the causes she’s supporting and by clicking on the Events tab, you can see a photo gallery of her life in Ecuador, Uganda and beyond.

Review News

Of Deb Katie Alender’s BAD GIRLS DON’T DIE, Kirkus Reviews says, “Strong characterization will draw readers in. Despite their realistic shortcomings, both primary and secondary characters are unique and satisfyingly complex.”

Graduate Deb News

Congratulations to founding Debutante Kristy Kiernan on the sale of her new novel to Berkley! This novel is about the emotional complications of in-vitro fertilization, in which a woman must grapple with the moral implications of learning she has an inheritable disease after her donated eggs have resulted in a child for her best friend.

Also congrats to founding Debutante Tish Cohen on the sale of her third novel, THE SATURDAY DAUGHTER, in which a sister and brother discover that the mother they thought abandoned them as children has actually been searching for them, and that their father, whose memory is decaying from Alzheimer’s, had kidnapped them away years ago, to Harper Perennial and Harper Canada.

Friends of the Debs

Kudos to friend of the Debs/ founder (and therefore friend to authors everywhere!) Karen Dionne on the sale of her second novel, BOILING POINT, to Berkley, for publication in Fall 2010!

What We’re Reading

Deb Katie is reading Meg Cabot’s HOW TO BE POPULAR and Kathleen Norris’s ACEDIA AND ME.

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