Congrats to Tricia, who won her choice of Cara Lockwood’s books!
From the 2014 Debs…
Natalia Sylvester is feeling invigorated because she enrolled in a 4-week Magical Realism writing workshop and attended her first class this week. She even posted the writing exercise they did on her Facebook page. You should try it.
Susan Gloss is proud to report that book blog The Things You Can Read gave VINTAGE a great review this week. An excerpt: “Her novel delves into the intricacies of these women’s lives at various key life-moments, which means there is something for women of all ages to identify with in the novel.”
Lori Rader-Day made a list of things to do to help get ready for THE BLACK HOUR’s release next year, and the list is impressively frightening. Just in time for Halloween!
Lisa Alber received the most awesome blurb for KILMOON from Bill Cameron that includes this: “With exquisite craft and a striking sense of place, Lisa Alber serves up a rich cast of unforgettable characters and an intricate, pull-no-punches plot.” Yay! Read the whole thing here.
Heather Webb is gearing up for an Edgar Allen Poe-themed book launch party for Lynn Cullen’s MRS.POE in Manhattan this week. She can’t wait!
From Former Debs…
2013 Deb Susan Spann published a handy list of 25 Things You Need to Know about Writing Mysteries on Chuck Wendig’s Terrible Minds blog.
2011 Deb Sarah Jio revealed the cover for her sixth novel, Goodnight June, which will be out in June 2014.
2010 Deb Sarah Pekkannen is working on copy edits for her next title, Catching Air!
Go Debs!! You all are rocking and rolling and doing awesome things, as I knew you would. I’m so sorry I haven’t been by to cheer you on. Of late I’ve been lucky to find the time to eat, sleep, and breathe. But I have been watching you from afar!
Thanks, Kerry! I feel you cheering us on. Thanks for being so supportive. I love your status posts on Facebook. Talk about rockin’ and rollin’!
Cover the essentials first, Kerry. lol. We don’t want one of our beloved former Debs to pass out!
Susan and Lisa: Contraulations on the ink! (As we used to call it when actual ink was involved. 🙂 )
Natalia: That sounds very interested. But what about those of us who are friended with you on Google+ rather than on Facebook. 😉
You’re right, Anthony! I’m afraid I tend to forget to update both networks, so thanks for reminding me 😉
Thanks, Anthony! I’ve been enjoying your comments on our posts. Thanks for being supportive!