Newsflash 1st August – The Debs of 2011

First off, the 2010 Debs would like to thank everyone who applied to join us here on the Ball. It was tough to narrow it down to five debut authors to carry the champagne flutes and wear the tiaras, but we have done it. Please join us in congratulating the newest members of The Debutante Ball, The class of 2011!

Deb Kim – Kim Stagliano lives in Connecticut and her “Kimoir” All I Can Handle; I’m No Mother Teresa: A Life Raising Three Daughters with Autism debuts November 1st from Skyhorse Publishing.

Deb Eleanor – Eleanor Brown lives and writes in Colorado; her debut novel, The Weird Sisters, will be published in February by Amy Einhorn Books.

Deb Sarah – Sarah Jio is a Seattle-based freelance magazine writer, blogger for Glamour magazine, and the author of THE VIOLETS OF MARCH, to be released in June 2011 by Penguin.

Deb Elise – A longtime television writer, L.A.-based Elise Allen is thrilled to branch into books with her debut Y/A novel, Populazzi, set for release in April.

Deb Tawna – A third-generation Oregonian who can peel & eat a banana with her toes, Tawna Fenske writes quirky romantic comedies including her debut, MAKING WAVES, which will be released August 2011.

The new Debs will be taking over the Ball in September, but the 2010 Debs are still here for another month and going strong. In fact, we have one more debut week coming up for Deb Alicia, so make sure you take time out of your lazy summer days to check in with us regularly. We have some great guests coming up too. Again, thanks to everyone who sent in wonderful applications, good luck to you all with your debut, and congrats and welcome to the 2011 Debs.

28 Replies to “Newsflash 1st August – The Debs of 2011”

  1. I’m trading my yellow Playtex Living gloves for satin! (OK, maybe not, I really need the rubber gloves…) Thanks so much and congrats to my fellow Debs. I’m so excited to share ideas, promos, learn about all of your books (Debs and readers too) and have some Deb fun.


  2. Since I’m already a devoted fan of two of the new Debs, I am patting myself on the back for my perspicacity and good taste! (If I was as dextrous as Tawna I’d pat myself on the back with my foot!)

    I look forward to reading all the Debs in 2011. Congratulations. Let the champagne flow!

  3. Running to the dictionary to look up perspicacity… And you could scratch your back, Janet. Tawna, can you really peel a banana with your
    feet? I feel so “earthbound!” Thanks, Janet.

  4. MANY congrats and lots of toasts–what a FABULOUS group of new Debs and welcome to the sisterhood! Am happy to be of help to any of you so please don’t hesitate to contact me! (and Yay Kim!!!)

  5. My good gravy – you can! You know, I live near The Barnum Museum, as in PT Barnum – I think there’s a spot for you there! I didn’t know we needed a talent to become Debs. I can raise one eyebrow – does that count? 🙂


  6. Congrats to you all! Since I posted this and emailed you all myself, I almost forgot to comment and say welcome. You’re about to have a very fun year and being a Deb will just add to the excitement!

  7. Congrats to all the new debs as a crusty old deb dating back to the start – it is great to have you. If you ever need anything don’t hesitate to be in touch. I still remember all the dance moves.

  8. So fun to see this post, and join the Debs! I am absolutely thrilled to be a part of this wonderful community. Can’t wait to get started and get to know you all better. Lots to talk about this year! xoxo

  9. Dextrous banana peeling? I feel so underqualified! I fell over my own two feet on a run last week.

    So thrilled to be part of this incredible Deb class! I look forward to getting to know all the Debs, past and present, and to being a part of this terrific forum!

  10. Hurrah! I’m so excited to be part of such a wonderful sisterhood – I’ve been reading the site for years and I’m feeling seriously fangirl-y about getting to go behind the curtain.

    Here’s to a wonderful year for all the Debs – past, present, and future!

  11. LOL! I’m picturing Tawna in yards of white satin and gloves up to her armpits, looking demure for the chaperones but giving a wicked glance at the hunky waiter at the ball!

  12. Congratulations Brand New Debs! Welcome and enjoy every minute.

    Gosh, I feel kind of OLD, now…

    Deb Kristina of 2009….

  13. What an amazing line-up! Welcome, ladies, and get ready for a great year — it’ll be a fantastic ride and I wish you every success!


    Deb Mia King ’07

    – Good Things (Berkley Books 2007)
    – Sweet Life (Berkeley Books 2008)
    – Table Manners (Berkley Books 2009)

    And forthcoming under the name Darien Gee
    – Friendship Bread (Ballantine Books 2011)
    – Memory Keeping (Ballantine Books 2012)

  14. Woohoo!!!! So, so proud 😀

    Congratulations to the outgoing Debs on a wonderful year and your incredible successes (and one more to come!), and congratulations to the incoming class. I know we all hope you find the support and camaraderie that we’ve all enjoyed as part of The Ball.

    (And now I’m going to copy Darien, ’cause she always has great ideas…)

    Deb/Founder Kristy Kiernan ’07

    -Catching Genius (2007)
    -Matters of Faith (2008)
    -Between Friends (2010)

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