From the 2013 Debs…
Deb Kerry gave her first reading at Auntie’s Book Store in Spokane. (It was the week for that, apparently!) Also, BETWEEN made the B&N Mass Market Fantasy Bestseller list for the 3rd week in a row!
Deb Dana gave her first reading at The Spiral Bookcase in Philadelphia! Photos to come…
Deb Kelly is thrilled to announce that her book will be published in audio format for all you road warriors!
Deb Susan has completed the First Pass review on CLAWS OF THE CAT and absolutely loves the fonts and formatting!
Deb Amy‘s THE GLASS WIVES is off to the presses! She is excited that the trade paperback will include Reading Group Gold: reader questions, an author Q&A, book recommendations, and a personal essay!
Past Deb News
The Huffington Post’s Gina Barreca named Deb Darien Gee’s new novel THE AVALON LADIES SCRAPBOOKING SOCIETY one of the “Four Books to Help You Make it to Spring.”
Deb Tiffany Baker’s THE GILLY SALT SISTERS releases in paperback on March 5 – right around the corner!
Deb Dish – Do you procrastinate?
Deb Amy: I’ll think about it and let you know.
Deb Dana: Like a champ.
Deb Kelly: Nope. Yes. Well, mostly no. I can’t really relax and have fun until my daily to do list has been done. Unless my daily to do list is cleaning my bathroom, and then I find away to get past it.
Deb Kerry: Sorry, no time to answer, there’s this other thing I didn’t do…
Deb Susan: Can I answer this tomorrow?
Your Turn!! Are you a “do it now” kind of person or do you procrastinate?