Newsflash: October 21, 2012

From the 2013 Debs…

Deb Kerry is working on revisions and hopes to have her author website up and running – someday.

Deb Dana hosted book club at her house this week and, in typical fashion, made way too much food and has been eating leftovers for the rest of the week.

Deb Amy is working on her next novel! It’s about secrets, lies, blogging, and the trouble it all can get you into if you’re not careful. Or even if you are.

Deb Dish – Who is your all-time favorite villain (or antagonist)?

Deb Amy: I scare easily and don’t like the bad guy. Ever. 

Deb Dana: I’m not sure I have a single favorite, but one of my favorite villains in literature is Hatsumomo from Memoirs of a Geisha. In film, I’d say pretty much any witch — but particularly the Wicked Witch of the West from The Wizard of Oz and Maleficent from Sleeping Beauty.

Deb Kerry: Ooh – the bad guy in the movie Serenity. He’s frightening and likable all at once.

Deb Susan: This was harder than I expected. In the end, I have to go with Professor Snape from the Harry Potter series, primarily because he’s on the “favorites” lists for both print and film. Between J.K. Rowling’s fantastic characterization and Alan Rickman’s spot-on portrayal in the films, I’d have to put Severus Snape on top of my “all-time antagonists” list.


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