Could this week’s post be more apropos? Because I just realized that my post from last week was technically the post we were supposed to write on a month ago. HELLOOOO!! Sheesh!
There are so many things I could blame it on, but really, I have noticed a definite drop in my mental capacity the moment I turned 35. I actually think I heard the click. And yes there are the books and the kids and all that fun stuff to wear me out but here’s the thing: back in my “day,” multi-tasking wasn’t a problem. Pulling all-nighters wasn’t a problem. Taking a shower once a day wasn’t a problem.
Now, however, a snail could pace me. It helps that I live in Hawaii where people pretty much take their time (hence the term “aloha time”), so I’m not too self-conscious about it, but one trip back to the mainland and I’m beat. Exhausted. In need of a VERY long nap. I just can’t keep up with you guys, I really don’t know how you do it!
That all being said, the truth is I love getting older. I complain about it, and I wish I didn’t have the occasional grey hair (I am definitely not in my “embrace the grey” stage yet!), and I would LOVE more energy and a really nice, tight body (that ship has definitely sailed), but I also think it’s kind of cool. I turn 40 next year … I’ll have lived on this blue marble for 40 years. How incredible is that? And I actually have something to show for it! It was looking kind of spotty there back in my twenties, and things were definitely rough in my early thirties, but I think things are starting to find their groove now. I’ve got family, a career, the brass ring of publication (finally!), my health and yes, even my brain.
It’s amazing to me. And I am grateful and hope for at least another 40 more. Here’s a passage from Kahlil Gibran I wanted to share:
To wake at dawn with a winged heart and give thanks for another day of loving;
To rest at the noon hour and meditate love’s ecstasy;
To return home at eventide with gratitude;
And then to sleep with a prayer for the beloved in your heart and a song of praise upon your lips.
What do you look forward to most about aging? Other than the senior discount, that is (I am definitely looking forward to that one!).
You know, along with just feeling more comfortable in my skin (and I’m getting more of it every year), I just love the idea of aging–since the alternative is death. I had one grandmother live to 103. She rocked. My other grandmother died at 39, when my mom (her daughter) was 9. I think of all she missed. I’ve already had 8 more years than she got and I know it’s not nearly enough. I love watching my kids grow into adults. I can’t wait for grandbabies (well, if my kids are reading this, yes, I can. Don’t do anything stupid. Get a diploma, spouse and job first.) I love feeling like I ahve a say. I’ve got perspective now, that I certailyl didn’t have ten years ago.
Now, Mia, don’t you wonder if those discounts are for real and will they still be around for our entire generation? 😉
I agree about the feeling more comfortable in my skin bit, and I love the passage.
Love your positive attitude. This is one of my favorite posts on the Deb site. I’ll read this anytime I am fretting over wrinkle lines (seriously, how can I not even be thirty and already have the forehead of a ninety-two-year-old!) 🙂
I look forward to watching my boys go out into the world and find their passion. And I don’t mean girls.
I’m pretty zen about aging, too. I think the last time I freaked out about my age was at about 34 when I realized I could no longer say “early thirties”. I still feel young. I have close friends of various ages older and younger than me. Other than the sagging bits which I could do without, I’m pretty okay with aging.