Deb Amy’s Special Recipe For A Book Launch Party

First, you’ll need two packages of the best napkins on the planet.


Then, you’ll want to find a wonderful friend and host.


Slowly add her homemade tea cup candles to the table-scape.

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Then, add one BFF who flew in from 800 miles away.

Photo on 5-14-13 at 5.38 PM #2

Mix in one critique partner you met online, but now count on in real life.

launch party pamela.jpg

Stir in a huge stack of books to sign. Approximately thirty, or to taste.

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Sprinkle with great friends and one amazing daughter. 

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Top with wine and food (and rugelach favors tied with a bow) and enjoy!

4 Replies to “Deb Amy’s Special Recipe For A Book Launch Party”

  1. What fun, Amy!!! Congratulations again on your release – AND on having such a fabulous release party! Your friends look so nice, and it’s wonderful to see you so happy 🙂

  2. Forgot to comment on Friday – how very fun!!! I’m so glad all your friends were there to celebrate with you. 🙂

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