Top five reasons my book should be on Oprah by Guest Author Diana Orgain

The Debs are proud to welcome author Diana Orgain as our guest this week. Diana holds an MFA in Creative Writing from San Francisco State University, with a minor in acting. Diana’s plays have been produced at San Francisco State University, GreenHouses Productions, and PlayGround in San Francisco. Bundle of Trouble is her first mystery novel. She lives in San Francisco with her husband and their children.

DianaOrgainauthorpicFirst off, thank you to the Debs for letting me get my two cents in about Oprah. I am a mother of three (my oldest is a girl, five, then two boys, two and 6 months). This week, my debut mystery, Bundle of Trouble: A Maternal Instincts Mystery was released by Berkley Prime Crime.

Can I even tell you how much I love Oprah? Can I even tell how much I would LOVE to be on Oprah’s show? And I should be. Of course, I should be.

Why, you ask?

Okay – here goes. We all know Oprah loves books and she’s always saying that being a mom is the hardest job in the world. So…not only am I a mom – but I wrote a book about it.

Bundle of Trouble is about a new mom who turns PI, and throughout the book I juxtapose the baby development with the protagonist development as a PI. The book has all the makings of an Oprah pick:

1. It’s funny

2. It’s a mystery

3. Solves world hunger

4. Showcases a strong woman

5. She’ll love it (really!)

I’m big into visualization, too – so, see – I can see myself on Oprah. Really. Here, I’ll show you:

I come out on the stage. Oprah hugs me and tells me how much she loved the book. Then we sit in the fancy chairs, and I wave at my family out in the audience.

The camera pans to my family. My husband is looking dapper, holding our baby and smiling. The baby is in a matching outfit with his brother who is…uh oh…is his mouth open and screaming? (Yes – see, he’s two – they do that at two – scream out in the loudest voice possible in the most inappropriate ways.) But it’s a happy scream until his sister, who is sitting next to him (looking gorgeous, of course), clamps her hand over his face. Which causes kicking… my husband is frowning now, the baby squirming in his arms.

OrgaincoverOprah cuts to commercial.

Hmmm. Maybe I need to rethink the whole visualization thing.

Yes, yes – the kids can wait in the green room. Can’t they? I’m sure they have staff… or a babysitter or something, right?

Well, no worries. I’m sure the very talented people at Harpo Studios can figure out how to handle a two-year-old.

In the meantime, I’ll keep writing.

I’d love to hear from you – let me know what your top 5 reasons you should be on Oprah are.

Visit Diana on the web at and find her on Twitter as well.

10 Replies to “Top five reasons my book should be on Oprah by Guest Author Diana Orgain”

  1. Thanks for being our guest today Diana! Your mystery sounds very funny–and it is about time Oprah picked a mystery. Best of luck with your debut.

  2. Let’s see…

    – Oprah’s never had a YA book (that I know of… I guess there were a few years where I wasn’t paying attention)
    – It would really make my agent happy, and Oprah’s all about making people happy
    – I could probably FINALLY get my husband to agree to another dog, using a long-shot bet–“If I get on Oprah, THEN can I get another dog?” (and he’ll snort and say, “Okay, sure.”)
    – My book is the opposite of a damsel-in-distress book
    – Because I’ll make her a quilt as a bribe

    Thanks for being our guest today, Diana! Your book sounds like a ton of fun.

  3. You know what I wonder? Because she loves THE SECRET and believes in visualizing and asking the universe for what she wants? I wonder how many authors have magazine clippings of Oprah’s face thumbtacked to their “vision boards”… Hmm…

    Welcome, Diana! One does need sleuthing skills to be a mother, like: Where on earth did that sippy cup go? It’s full of milk and MUST be found before it curdles….

  4. Thank you all for the warm welcome. I see a formating error on the post – #3 on the list- solves world hunger was supposed to be crossed off (with a strikethrough) I am certainly not claiming my mommy mystery does that – it was a silly joke – LOL!

  5. Perhaps your next mystery WILL solve world hunger! Why not? Mothers have been known to solve all kinds of incredibly difficult problems. And then YOU WOULD SURELY GET ON OPRAH!

    Welcome to the Ball, Diana!

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