You can’t say that by Deb Joelle

_MG_0513eWith Banned Book Week on the horizon, I’ve been thinking… While having a book banned is probably some writers’ worst nightmare, that’s what I dream of. What better publicity could you get than having your book banned? I have no interest in intentionally writing a book that raises people’s hackles. I mean, how hard would that be really? Just pick a few taboo subjects like witchcraft, sex, homosexuality and you’re there, right? And if you want to make sure, a series about gay witches having sex will definitely up your chances of being banned. Or burned. Or both.

No, I’m more interested in being banned for some strange and crazy reason. Like if there was an uprising of the Beef Farmers of America banning my book in a small town in Nebraska because my character is encouraging vegetarianism. That would be pretty cool. Because you know, if I convince one more person to become a vegetarian then I win a toaster. And that is my whole reason for writing YA in the first place…to turn teens into vegetarians (not to win another toaster).

Seriously, being banned is a pretty lofty goal. All of these books are in that category. And since I write YA, here a few that I wouldn’t mind being lumped in with someday.

Forever by Judy Blume

Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling

Probably everything by Chris Crutcher

Weetzie Bat by Francesca Lia Block

The Chocolate War by Robert Cormier

Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger

Anyway, you get the idea. Not bad company if you ask me.

Next week, well all the time actually, you’ll catch me sporting my favourite “I read banned books” button in support of the American Library Association‘s fight for freedom (even though I live in Canada – we like freedom here too!).

So, what about you? Having your book banned…your dream or your nightmare?


And yes, those are my promo postcards in my backpack. Never leave home without them!

11 Replies to “You can’t say that by Deb Joelle”

  1. Some of the banned books included on the above ‘these books’ list are really surprising. THE OLD MAN AND THE SEA? Who banned that one? PETA? When I taught HS English, I used to tell my students not to show their copy of The Scarlet Letter to their parents because it was so controversial and I didn’t want to get in trouble for teaching it. This got them to read the first thirty pages or so before they realized I was sort of kidding … at which point they all started complaining about having to read a classic.

  2. I’d LOVE to be banned. I figure I write for a teen audience and when I was a teen nothing made me want to do something more than someone telling me I couldn’t. Go Banned Books.

  3. Oh, Forever… man, did I ever dog-ear those sex pages. Such an interesting list – I had no idea!
    And Q, that is pretty funny. You must’ve been a great teacher.

  4. Larramie,
    I don’t know…the only thing I can think of that might get under people’s skin is that my character is a fiddler. If you’ve ever lived with a fiddler, you’d seriously want to ban them. Much like the banjo.

    P.S. Just kidding, honey. I love it when you play the fiddle or your banjo.

  5. Nice button.

    Ah Harry Potter if only reading you would make me a witch, that would be so cool!

    And Forever, long may you be available to teen girls everywhere 🙂

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