Devi Laskar – Tuesdays


(Counterpoint Press, February 2019)

Devi S. Laskar was born and raised in Chapel Hill, NC, bleeds Carolina Blue, loves basketball and used to be a crime and government reporter in such places as Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Illinois and North Carolina. She is now a cross country mom, photographer, artist, essayist, poet – and avid moviegoer.




Read Devi’s Debutante Ball Posts

Find Devi at: her website, InstagramTwitter, Facebook, Goodreads, or LinkedIn.


About The Atlas of Reds and Blues (Counterpoint Press, February 2019)

When an unnamed narrator moves her family from the city of Atlanta to its wealthy suburbs, she discovers that neither the times nor the people have changed since her childhood in a small southern town. Despite the intervening decades, the woman, known only as Mother, is met with the same questions: Where are you from? No, where are you really from? The American-born daughter of Bengali immigrant parents, her truthful answer, here, is never enough. She finds herself navigating a climate of lingering racism with three daughters in tow and a husband who spends more time in business class than at home.

Mother’s simmering anger breaks through one morning, when, during a baseless and prejudice-driven police raid on her house, she finally refuses to be calm, complacent, polite―and is ultimately shot. As she lies bleeding on her driveway, Mother struggles to make sense of her past and decipher her present―how did she end up here?


Pre-Order The Atlas of Reds and Blues from: Amazon | B&N | IndieBound