Deb Kerry Takes On the Deb Interview

Today, I have the strange and surreal experience of welcoming myself to the Ball and interviewing myself. Not that I’m unfamiliar with the art of conversation between me, myself, and I, but I don’t think I’ve interviewed myself before. It’s customary to begin the Deb Ball Interview with a photo and a bio, but as my photo and bio are up here on the site all day, every day, for 365 days, I thought we’d switch it up a little. Instead of a bio, you guys get to ask me questions at the end. And here is a different picture of me than the one that is already here. All set? Let’s get on with the interview.


1. Who is one of your favorite (fictional or non-fictional) characters?

I always have a hard time picking favorites, but in this case I’m going to go with Jo March from Little Women, because she had such a profound impact on me. Jo was a tomboy with a big mouth and a hot temper. She also aspired to be a published author. As I was similarly afflicted, she was an inspiration and a comfort. All right, I’ll confess that I used to know entire passages of that book by heart, and that there were times when she might, possibly, have been my best friend. Moving on…

2. Which talent do you wish you had?

This isn’t a case of wishing I had talent, but of wishing I had more talent. I play the piano, or at least I used to until writing started stealing every spare minute. When I was younger I busted my butt practicing, and I succeeded in reaching a decent level of competence at reading music. I dreamed of being a) a concert pianist b) one of those people who can play anything by ear and c) just generally more gifted. The irony? Both of my sons are highly talented natural musicians.

3. Which animal would you like to be and why?

Beloved and pampered house cat. Need I explain? Luxurious naps, fun toys, tasty treats, and the right to look down my nose at the servants who conform to my every whim.

4. Do you have any phobias?

It’s not a phobia, exactly, but I have an aversion to phones.

5. Do you have a regular first reader? If so, who is it and why that person?

My Viking is my first reader, for a variety of reasons. He’s available and willing, for one thing. He’s got a great eye for continuity and character problems and is brilliant at discovering plot holes. Plus, since he’s had to put up with me vanishing into the writing cave for months on end, I figure he deserves to be the first to see what it is that I’ve been up to. Last and best, I love that I can share my excitement and enthusiasm for the creation of my books with the man who is both my lover and my very best friend.

About the Book

Kerrys CoverVivian Maylor can’t sleep. Maybe it’s because she just broke up with her boyfriend and moved to a new town, or it could be the stress of her new job at the hospital. But perhaps it’s because her dreams have started to bleed through into her waking hours.

All of her life Vivian has rejected her mother’s insane ramblings about Dreamworlds for concrete science and fact, until an emergency room patient ranting about dragons spontaneously combusts before her eyes—forcing Viv to consider the idea that her visions of mythical beasts might be real.

And when a chance encounter leads her to a man she knows only from her dreams, Vivian finds herself falling into a world that seems strange and familiar all at once—a world where the line between dream and reality is hard to determine, and hard to control…





Your turn – what would you like to know about Kerry Schafer or Between?

14 Replies to “Deb Kerry Takes On the Deb Interview”

  1. Happy Book Birthday! 🙂

    Great interview. My question: Do you have any writing rituals? (You know, like sitting in a certain place, starting each session with a game of Solitaire, munching on chocolate-covered peanuts between chapters, wearing your lucky underwear, etc.)

    1. Linda, I used to start with solitaire. But I always had to win before I could go on and it took so much time! I seem to need to check my Twitter feed before I can get into writing. Oh – and coffee. I pretty much require a cup of coffee to really get underway.

  2. Happy happy release day! SO SO SO happy for you, Kerry! You’ve been through a lot in the past months, but today is your day to really celebrate and dance. And we’re dancing with you! WOOT!

    What I’d like to know is how you feel TODAY. After all this, how are YOU?
    p.s. I love today’s picture – you look so happy!

    1. I hardly know how I am, Joanne! It’s been such an incredible year of sudden and significant shifts in fortune. At the moment, I’m huge parts happy and relieved, that’s for sure. The book is done and off to make its way in the world. The launch has been a big success, I think, and so now it’s a matter of sitting back a little and letting it speak for itself. And of getting back to work on the next book for sure!


    So, my question: what scene did you have the most fun writing in BETWEEN? (Assuming you can mention it here without spoiling anything for prospective readers…)

    1. Hmmmm. There were several that were a lot of fun. I really enjoyed Zee’s flashback fight scene – the one with Dem Bones playing in the background. 🙂 And I loved writing all of Isobel’s present tense, weird reality scenes.

  4. HAPPY RELEASE DAY KERRY! Your book baby is officially born!! I’m so excited for you!!!

    And yes, this interview just about confirms that we were somehow separated at birth. Jo March, piano, housecat…it’s scary…

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