Deb Susan Loves What THE GLASS WIVES Says About Family

When I read THE GLASS WIVES, I found myself moved by Deb Amy’s writing, drawn to her protagonist (Evie) and emotionally involved in the story and its outcome. I read the book in a single day, which is testament to Deb Amy’s writing and  character-development skills. Deb Amy’s novel took me on an emotional roller-coaster in which I alternately pulled for Evie’s happiness and shared in her frustrations.

But most of all, I was attracted to Evie Glass’s love for her family and her dedication to preserving it — even when “family” suddenly meant something very different than what Evie might have chosen for herself.

Glass Wives_final cover

THE GLASS WIVES made me examine my own definition of family and ask myself “how far would I go to ensure the well-being of the people I love.” It also made me consider (yet again) how “family” means something different to every person, and yet none of those definitions is “wrong.” For some, “family” may include only parents and children, while for others it encompasses friends, lovers, cousins, and many others with whom we choose to share our lives.

And yet, for every person, the “family” is a foundation of incomparable importance.

Robert Frost once said that “Home is the place where, when you have to go there, they have to take you in.” Deb Amy’s novel demonstrates that concept … and shows how very powerful a mother’s love can be.

I’m not as strong a woman as Evie Glass.  Had I been faced with the situation Evie faces — an ex-husband’s second wife, showing up at the door with her baby in tow, asking to move in and share my life — I’d have told her to hit the road. And yet, as I followed Evie’s journey through THE GLASS WIVES, I came to realize that Evie’s ability to re-define “family” for her children’s benefit (and, ultimately, her own) gives her a special strength and a level of class that I now aspire to attain.

I’ve always believed that the definition of family is both individual and vitally important. THE GLASS WIVES brings that concept – and the costs of placing a family’s needs over the individual’s desires – front and center. And although the journey isn’t always an easy one for Evie Glass, she handles the twists and turns with strength and well-written grace.

How important is your family? Would you be willing to open your heart and home to someone you didn’t initially consider a likely friend?


5 Replies to “Deb Susan Loves What THE GLASS WIVES Says About Family”

  1. Like you, Susan, I don’t think I would ever let a Nicole into my home. Reading THE GLASS WIVES let me see what the world would look like if I did something like that, just for the space of one novel.

  2. I agree–“family” can’t really be defined precisely, can it? It’s different for each person. I don’t know that I’d be able to do what Evie did, but family is more than blood. And my family is paramount in my life, blood or no.

  3. In a perfect world, families would be close and loving, but it doesn’t always work out that way. Unexpected things can and do happen, so it is possible that I could welcome someone into my heart and home that I didn’t think I would.

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