News Flash! April 8, 2007

Debs Go Back For More! GOOD THINGS is in its THIRD print run and has hit the Barnes & Noble General Trade Fiction Bestseller list, TWICE! Who says you can’t ever have too much of a good thing?

Another Deb Debuts!  Debutante Jennifer McMahon’s Promise Not to Tell hits the stores this Tuesday, April 10!  Yay!  Be sure to pick up a copy of the book that garnered an A- from Entertainment Weekly and that Booklist calls an “assured, ambitious debut.”  Deb Jennifer will be blogging on Tuesday, and Deb Tish will take over Jennifer’s Wednesday slot this week.

Debs in Review! Romance Junkies gave GOOD THINGS a “4.0 blue ribbon” rating and a lovely review: GOOD THINGS is a great book about a woman who finds herself when she loses everything .. I truly hope Ms. King will write a follow-up to GOOD THINGS because I already miss reading about these wonderful people.” Plus Curled Up With a Good Book called GOOD THINGS “smart and sassy … a delightful and engaging novel” and Candy Covered Books featured GOOD THINGS as a Flavor of the Month in March!

That’s Entertainment!  Entertainment Weekly has reviewed Promise Not to Tell is this week’s issue – and Deb Jennifer is told that it is fantastic!  If you live in a major metropolitan area, it should be on the stands now.  If you live in a not-so-major metropolitan area (like Deb Jennifer!), it should be available Monday.  (Hint: look for the Sopranos on the cover.)

Deb Contests! Deb Mia has a new “Life’s a Cakewalk” contest running on her website, The prize this month: ONE GOURMET FLORIDA KEY LIME BUNDT CAKE, an Oprah Favorite Thing! Visit her website for more details. And don’t forget to try your luck with this month’s Debutante Postcard Contest! Visit the Contest page for details!
pnytree.jpg Deb Friends! Congratulations to friend of the site Holly Kennedy, whose new novel, The Penny Tree, came out on Monday, April 2nd. The Penny Tree has been getting lots of attention in the press and is a Book Sense Notable Pick for May. Jaquelyn Mitchard says: Holly’s work plays the heartstrings like a mandolin. Holly’s writing is absolutely honest and absolutely true to her view of life, which is tender, filled with sentiment but not sentimentality and utterly hopeful.

Deb in Review!  Elle Canada has zoomed in on Town House, selecting Deb Tish’s novel as one of the Top 3 Books in their May issue, on newstands now! Elle reports that “Tish Cohen has a cinematic eye for characters with endearing foibles in Town House…”

Debs on Debs! Stop by Deb Tish’s Diary this week for a peek at her interview with April’s Debutante, Debutante Jennifer! Sashay over to and join in the chat.

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