Posting today is extra special for me as I’ve just returned from one of the greatest launch parties I’ve ever…
Category: Town House
Deb News Unpredictable hit at #24 on the Barnes and Noble Romance Trade Bestseller List! A round of champagne for…
I’ve never been one for drawn-out goodbyes, especially when I have children and dogs running into the room full of…
Deb News: Deb Danielle’s Falling Under received a great endorsement this week: “What happens when our heroine wants mindless sex…
A good friend told me today that she’s never met anyone quite so obsessed with jeans as me. My answer…
We’ve never had a living room before. Well, technically, the room came with the house, but other than lining one…
Deb News! Deb Lisa’s book FIFTEEN MINUTES OF SHAME (PLUME, MARCH 2008) received a fabulous endorsement from best selling author…
I like this week’s topic, beginnings. I’m all about beginnings. The first bite of a hot dog cannot be topped.…
Still PARTYing! A Q&A with Deb Anna ran in’s “Quote This!” section, Eonline wrote about PARTY GIRL in their…
BEA or Bust! Deb Mia won’t be flying to BookExpo American from Hawaii, but if you’re there, be sure to…