New Englanders and those enjoying a New England vacation can catch Deb Eve at various lovely locations this week! She’ll be at Boswell’s Books (just off the Bridge of Flowers) in Shelburne Falls, MA on Monday, July 20 at 7 PM; at Other Tiger Bookstore in Westerly, RI on Friday, July 24 from 4-6 PM; and The Book and Tackle Shop (next to the famous carousel!) in Watch Hill, RI on Saturday, July 25.
While in Santa Fe this past week, Deb Eve was interviewed by Mary-Charlotte of KSFR for Santa Fe Radio Cafe. (Yes, they really do the interview in a cafe and offer free coffee for the guests and THE BEST chocolate mocha raspberry cake I ever had!)
Deb Eve has also been invited to be the Keynote Speaker at the Girls, Inc. Annual Celebration Luncheon in October, at which they will be giving out the Breaking the Glass Ceiling Awards. Go Girls!
A review of Deb Kristina‘s REAL LIFE & LIARS by blogger BookingMama says “It’s almost hard to believe that REAL LIFE AND LIARS is Ms. Riggle’s debut novel because it is just so good.” Read the whole thing here.
Deb Meredith will be at Reagan National Airport at Borders Books Friday July 24 at noon signing POSED FOR MURDER.
Thanks so much for the shout out! REAL LIFE AND LIARS is a wonderful read!