Newsflash: January 13

Congratulations to Melissa, winner of last week’s giveaway contest!

From the 2013 Debs…

Deb Kerry is excited about many and sundry things, and is busy planning blog tours and launch parties.

Deb Dana is getting excited for Deb launch weeks — BETWEEN in two weeks, and THE GIRLS’ GUIDE TO LOVE AND SUPPER CLUBS in three!

Deb Susan has finished copy edits on CLAWS OF THE CAT and is anticipating a visit from Deb Kerry’s friend the Random Penguin to help celebrate the upcoming launch of BETWEEN!

Deb Amy is happy to announce audio rights to The Glass Wives sold to Brilliance audio! She is also reading Deb Dana’s THE GIRLS’ GUIDE TO LOVE AND SUPPER CLUBS, and loving it, just like when she read BETWEEN by Deb Kerry!


Deb Friends

Deb friend ERIKA ROBUCK now has an audiobook deal for HEMINGWAY’S GIRL and also her upcoming novel, CALL ME ZELDA – congratulations, Erika!


Deb Dish – What fictitious character do you love to hate – or hate that you love?

Deb Amy:

Deb Dana: In my own book, I love to hate Millie. She was so fun to write, but if I knew her in real life, she would drive me insane. In other people’s books…I loved to hate Amy in Gone Girl and Hilly Holbrook in The Help.

Deb Kelly: I’m also loving to hate Millie in Deb Dana’s book. She’s just… let’s just say she’s real enough to be familiar but fictional enough to be entertaining. And as for hating that I love them, Lady Mary from Downton Abbey is my most egregious example. I know she’s not supposed to be our favorite, not even likable, but I root for her every time. Sorry, Edith.

Deb Kerry: I didn’t like Millie in Deb Dana’s book, but the character I really hated was Adam. Wanted to slap him. 

Deb Susan: I’m an outspoken fan of Severus Snape (who falls into both of these categories). In Claws of the Cat, my love/hate favorite would have to be Luis Alvares, the Portuguese weapons dealer whose firearm sales finance Father Mateo’s work in Japan.

Your Turn!! Hop into the comments and tell us about a character you love … or hate!

2 Replies to “Newsflash: January 13”

  1. Hey Amy – HUGE congrats on the audio thing!! That is awesome! Susan, Random Penguin will be heading home on Monday from his visit in Groningen, Netherlands, and will then be headed your way. He’s very excited about this tour business. Also? Severus Snape is a marvelous love to hate character.

    1. Fantastic! Oobie is very excited about hosting the Random Penguin, as am I! I already have a few exciting tour stops planned for his visit!

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