Newsflash, Sunday June 22 2008

Deb News:

This week, Deb Jess was interviewed by the PKD Foundation as well as her alma mater, UW-Oshkosh. Driving Sideways made its debut as a Target Break-Out book this week as well.

Also, Deb Jess will be doing her first book signing next Saturday, June 28 at Creekside Books in Cedarburg, Wisconsin from 12-2 pm. Stop by and say hi! Cedarburg is celebrating Strawberry Festival that day, so Jess is looking for your best strawberry recipes to share with readers. Email your favorite recipe by Thursday, June 26, and she’ll send you the full collection to thank you. (jess (at)

Fifteen Minutes of ShameDeb Lisa‘s book Fifteen Minutes of Shame received a really great write-up from Kristy Gustafson at the Albany Times-Union.

Gustafson says, Anyone who reads this blog regularly knows I’m not a gusher, unless I truly love something (like Neiman Marcus customer service or AOA or 518Living) I don’t sing praises. But today I have to gush.
Lisa Daily’s Fifteen Minutes of Shame was one of those books. I chose Daily’s novel because of her name. I interviewed the dating columnist back in my NightCap days and have followed her since…
You can read the entire article here.

Romance Junkies also recently posted a fabulous review of Fifteen Minutes of Shame. You can read all about it here.

Deb Eileen has just joined the Girlfriend’s Cyber Circuit which means she’ll have the chance to interview and host some great YA writers on her website. The first one will be this coming Friday- be sure to check it out.

Deb Danielle was at Book Expo Canada last week and did her first reading reading as part of the Speed Dating for First Time Authors and participated in a signing at the Penguin booth where she signed nearly 100 advance reading copies of Falling Under before they ran out. Thanks so much to all who came out!

Founder News:

Deb Mia’s September 2nd release, Sweet Life, just sold book club rights to Bookspan as a featured alternate for Doubleday, Literary Guild and Book of the Month clubs. NYT Bestselling author Susan Wiggs gave the book a glorious blurb: “SWEET LIFE is the ultimate ‘escape-and-find-yourself’ novel … funny, poignant, and filled with home truths any woman can relate to. This book is as warm and delicious as the recipes … a delightful indulgence!”

Deb Mia also has an amazingly sweet Hawaiian gift basket and book give-away going on (no purchase necessary but don’t let that stop you from buying as many copies of her books as you’d like!). Just go to her blog on the Sweet Life page at and tell her what’s sweet about YOUR life!

What the Debs Are Reading:

Deb Lisa is reading the 4-Hour Workweek by Timothy Ferriss.
Deb Eileen just finished reading Girls In Trucks by Katie Crouch.
Deb Danielle is not reading but she would love to be.

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