Lots of water
Lots of fresh fruit and vegetables
Salmon and avocado
Dark chocolate
Limited caffeine, alcohol, salt, white sugar and well, most anything white
Limited sun exposure
Working up a full body sweat every day (either running or yoga or often both)
Standing on my head every day
At least 7 hours of sleep
All organic lotions and cleansers made by Eminence (I used to not worry about what I put on my face in fact was an eager slave to the latest and greatest fountain of youth touting beauty products, but since my breast cancer diagnosis, I have been hyper-vigilant about limiting my exposure to possible carcinogens, including pesticides and parabens)
Eyebrow shaping pencil
Little bit of blush (unless I’ve just been running or yogaing)
Couple of smears of lip gloss
Smiling whenever possible
Doing one thing every day that scares me
Trying to embrace my imperfections and let my most authentic self shine through
I loved reading your list of Beauty Products You can’t Live without.
Yoga works up a full body sweat? I must be doing something wrong.
Thank Cheryl!
Hot yoga, Kalynne. Vinyasa Flow in a heated room is a VERY vigorous practice.
Kalynee needs to go to my yoga class. Lord have mercy. I am still sweating and it ended 45 minutes ago.
Great list. I think I could use it as my own!
so true, Holly. I sweat more in hot yoga than on a 6 mile run. And please do use it as your own. I think the last three are most important.
I agree about the last three – there is nothing more beautiful than a genuine smile.
Great list. The last three are perfect.
I agree, Joanne!
Thanks Jerrie! For the comment and for stopping by!
Gail- tell me- were you always this Zen or did that yoga retreat do this to you. This list is perfect.
haha… I’m not Zen I’m pretty neurotic but I’m working on it…
Love this list!!!
You sound healthy and natural in more than just your appearance, Gail.
No wonder you’re so beautiful 🙂
Thanks Jess, Larramie and Lisa! So sweet all of you!
I love that you included sex. And sleep. So true.
I echo the cheers for the last three. It’s amazing how much of looking good is about feeling good, something I forget all too often.
I read this on Monday, Gail, and promptly went off to work out on my (mostly unused) elliptical machine. This is a great list.