Congratulations to Shelby Neuzil, winner of guest author Kristy Woodson Harvey’s DEAR CAROLINA!
Check back next Sunday for this week’s winner of guest author Gail Nall’s BREAKING THE ICE & YOU’RE INVITED …
Reminder: Time is almost up, but we’re still taking applications for the Deb Class of 2016! You have until July 17th to submit your application. Looking forward to learning more about you.
From the 2015 Debs:
Colleen Oakley’s trade paperback of BEFORE I GO comes out on TUESDAY! Just in time for your next beach trip this summer. You can score it for a limited time on Amazon for just $8.38.
Amy E. Reichert will be on The Morning Blend, a morning TV show in Milwaukee, and is fretting about what to wear! THE COINCIDENCE OF COCONUT CAKE is also on sale for $8.38 on Amazon! She’s also in the home stretch of launch planning!
Karma Brown is tackling her to-do list and her summer reading pile, and is finally planning her book’s birthday party … is it August 25th yet?
Sona Charaipotra is on a two-week writer’s retreat — at home in NYC! She’s flying solo for the first time in more than a decade, and except for the whole deadline thing, she won’t know what to do with herself.
Shelly King has spent the week at a writing workshop given by the Community of Writers at Squaw Valley. She’s honored to be a student participant at this workshop that’s been around a long as she has. She’s getting feedback on new work and is excited about doing her revisions (no, really!).
Past Debs:
Susan Gloss (Class of 2014) is honored to have won an outstanding achievement award (only ten given annually!) from the Wisconsin Library Association for her debut, VINTAGE. Congratulations and well-deserved, Susan!
Lori Rader-Day (Class of 2014) is excited that her second book, LITTLE PRETTY THINGS, is now out in the wild. Happy book birthday, Lori!