Congratulations to Kim Lynch, winner of our #DebBallGiveaway of STOLEN BEAUTY by Laurie Lico Albanese.
Thank you so much to yesterday’s guest, Fiona Davis! If you haven’t already, enter the #DebBallGiveaway to win a copy of THE ADDRESS!! You can enter by sharing our post on Facebook and/or retweeting the following tweet:
RT to Enter! Interview w/ @FionaJDavis + #DebBallGiveaway of THE ADDRESS
— The Debutante Ball (@DebutanteBall) July 29, 2017
News from former Debs
News from the 2017 Debs
Amy Poeppel had a great time at the inaugural Ode To Babel “Storytellers” event in Brooklyn this week. It was a great evening of readings.
For anyone in the Boston/RI area, please join Amy at Suite Tart next Sunday, August 6th for a paperback party, hosted by Point Street Reading Series! Tickets can be purchased here!
Lynn K. Hall is alternating between muddy hiking books and comfortable writing flipflops … depending on the mood and the weather!
Jenni L. Walsh received notes from her editor and has now moved back into her revision cave. But, before settling down, she did a two night marathon of Big Little Lives on HBO, based on Liane Moriarty’s novel. So good. Jenni highly recommends.
Tiffany Jackson is getting ready for a marathon of writing starting August 1st.
Crystal King finished the first draft for book two, THE SECRET CHEF! And Barnes & Noble included FEAST OF SORROW on their blog, Eight Fictional Beach Reads for Foodies!