I don’t do this often, but I am going off-topic this week to talk about food and writing. I’ve already blogged about this (Writing and Recipes – The Perfect Pairing) but I can’t help it – I have food on the brain.
At the back of my novel, GOOD THINGS, there is a selection of recipes from the book. They’re all taken from the story line, which revolves around my main character, Deidre McIntosh, host of a lifestyle and cooking cable TV show. The recipes are one of the talking points for a lot of readers, and it’s helped with a favorable review or two as well.
I’ve taken to asking for a recipe on the handful of interviews I’ve done with fellow authors, and I definitely plan to do more. I’m also about to head off to a book club meeting where they’ve prepared three things from the book. I don’t know what stresses me out more – the conversation about the book or the conversation about the recipes!
So tell me what you think – do cooking and writing go together? Do you have a favorite pairing already? Here are a few to get you started:
- Raven’s Uneaten Ratatouille from Jennifer McMahon’s PROMISE NOT TO TELL
- Perry L. Crandall’s Spaghetti Night Spaghetti from Patricia Wood’s LOTTERY
- Shrimp Cocktail Done Correctly from Kristy Kiernan’s CATCHING GENIUS
- Deidre’s Almond and Brown Sugar Shortbread Cookies from (ahem) GOOD THINGS
Bon Appétit!
For me, cooking goes with writing like bulls go with china shops. I CAN cook, I just don’t like to. I am, however, an excellent prep cook, and I enjoy chopping ingredients, measuring stuff, placing it all in little ramekins so it’s ready for the cook to throw in the second they need it. I also like cleaning during the cooking process, organizing around the busy cook. And if there’s a glass of wine to sip and music on, well, there’s no place I’d rather be. But the COOKING part? Gah, you can have it 😀
Are you kidding? Food is my life, especially baked goods. I had a tarte au sucre (sugar pie) in Quebec last weekend that was better than you know what. Angels were singing. I was wondering what to make for my monthly writer’s group meeting on Saturday morning. Deirdre’s maple walnut scones sound like a good thing. My favorite writer/recipe pairing has to be from BELLA TUSCANY by Frances Mayes. The recipe for Lemon Pie with Roasted Almonds is amazing. Food and recipes in a book share the feeling of the people, their daily rhythms, their celebrations and their loves. Can’t get enough of it.
Oh, Kristy, will you please come prep and clean for me? I’ll be the cook and the wine pourer. I love to cook and my characters cook too–and when I get stuck on a plot point, I’ll often head to the kitchen to cook and let the book issues resolve while I saute.
Food and books- two of my favorite things. I love your recipe for each book idea. Now I just need to think of a match for mine.
Oh, and I can’t believe I forgot to mention this before–you ought to contact the “Bookclub Cookbook” folks (there’s a link to them from my blog . . . or you could just google them). They’d be a love connection for you!
Writing and cooking/baking complement each other, don’t they? Put in some of this, a bit of that, mix and let’s not forget presentation! And, Mia, here’s a thought — pair recipes with the classics for both children and adults. Now that would be creative fun.
Larramie – that’s inspired thought! I love the idea of introducing a recipe with a children’s book, especially one that’s child friendly so kids can do it and then read the book. My original idea was authors choosing their own, but I like the mix of a little this and a little that. Plus it matches my personality!
Judy, I’ll have a love/cook fest with the Bookclub Cookbook!
And Kristy, I’m with Judy – you can prep for me anytime, but I’m a bit like you, too – something about the prep process is actually appealing for me, but then I’m not hungry to eat whatever I make or, worse yet, I mess up whatever it is I’m trying to cook and have so artfully prepped. Always a bummer.
Maia, the Lemon Pie with Roasted Almonds recipe SOUNDS amazing. Kristy, will you prep it for me?
And dear E … you definitely need to come up with yours, and soon!
I think cooking and reading definitely go together, I love reading about what characters are preparing, it makes me want to cook. It’s one of the ONLY things that make me want to cook.
I want the recipe for Patricia’s spaghetti night spaghetti.
Mia – I love the recipes at the back of Good Things!!
And just a note to all of you guys – thanks so much for all of the cute postcards. And especially thanks to Jennifer for the prize pack, especially all the good. The maple syrup is delicious on waffles, and the chocolate is heavenly! I need to visit Vermont sometime!!
I’m sorry that I could not thank you guys sooner, but I was actually in Italy on spring break =) I had a fantastic time!
I need someone else to cook. I use publishing as an excuse.
“Oh honey we have to go out I had an email interview today…”