Goodbye, from Deb Kerry and Random Penuin

IMG_0278The End.


It’s been fun, moving on, we’ll see you around.

Let’s do lunch sometime, shall we?

This break up was inevitable, though – we always knew we only had a year. And what an eventful year it has been.

The highlights?

  1. I was diagnosed with breast cancer, underwent a double mastectomy with reconstruction, and am now walking around with synthetic boobs. This would have been enough excitement for at least five years of living. But no, there’s more.
  2. I published my first book. This was significantly more fun than the first item on my list, just in case you are considering doing anything to shake up your existence and are wondering which option to go for.
  3. I completed an RN refresher course, took the Nursing Board Examinations, and changed jobs from counseling to family practice nursing. This was also more fun than item number one. Most things are.
  4. I wrote my first novel “under contract,” which is a very different animal than just writing a book hoping for a contract.
  5. I sent my youngest child off to college.
  6. I wrote my first ever novella, and then wrote two more. Because, you know, if one is good then three must be better.
  7. I had to put down an awesome dog, and got an awesome new dog. Grief, joy. All mixed up together, which is how it usually is.
  8. I discovered White Russians. The beverage, not the human. And they are awesome. Fattening. But awesome.
  9. I made four new writer friends here at the Ball. And a whole bunch more of them elsewhere.
  10. Random Penguin came to stay.

Most of this has been fun. All of it has been growth inducing. I shall always be grateful for the help and support and camaraderie along the way. Here’s hoping the new Debs have a stellar and exciting year, but with only the good things as the dance goes on.

What about you? What were the highlights of your year?

13 Replies to “Goodbye, from Deb Kerry and Random Penuin”

  1. Wow,I’ve actually been paying attention to what you’ve posted this year and I’m still in awe of what “All The Things” apparently means in your world.

    My version is more like the Daft Ole’ Coot wandering around the set muttering “All tHe Things, aLl tHe tHinGs!”

    Will miss reading of your debutant writer year.

  2. Ye gods and little fishes, woman – how am I supposed to keep up if you’re setting the endgame post bar THIS HIGH??? This is an awesome farewell, with all the things I’ve come to expect from your Monday posts this year – a little funny, a little sad, a bit ironic and with a touch of the Random Penguin.

    Seriously … I’ve enjoyed getting up on Monday mornings knowing I’d get to hear your take on the topic du jour (or whatever the right expression is … topic du week, perhaps?). Fortunately, I KNOW YOUR BLOG ADDRESS so I can just stalk – er, read — you there from now on.

  3. Good LORD, Kerry! What a wonderful/horrible/exhausting year you’ve had. Thank you for sharing your journey with us at the Ball! I’m looking forward to seeing where you are in Feb when your next novel releases. You’ll be missed here. 🙂

  4. Ditto, all previous comments! I’ve enjoyed the Monday blogs, Kerry. Best wishes for a long and rewarding career as a writer along with everything else you’re doing. It’s been fun reading your comments and getting to know Random Penguin! Take care.

  5. Wow, Kerry — indeed the year for you. Big ups and big downs, and you are here to tell the stories. I’m looking forward to seeing your around the Ball this coming year. Thanks for being so supportive.

  6. Kerry, I’m so sorry to be late to this farewell party but to echo my fellow Deb Linda: You did it, lady! Reading your list has left me in awe. You are a marvel and it’s been a joy sharing this journey with you. Wishing you all the very best ahead, my dear.

  7. It’s been quite a year, and you have weathered it with grace and class! I’m so glad to have met you through this site, and I hope we keep in touch! xoxo

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