Harmony, Balance and a Contest Give-Away by Deb Mia

Here’s my basic approach to life — there are all sorts of clues and bits of information (experiences gone good, experiences gone bad) that help us develop a greater understanding of who we are and what it is we want to do next. Astrology — just like the I Ching, dreams, “coincidences,” Chinese fortune cookies, therapy and so on — is one of those things.

tarot24.jpgI like to check my horoscope reading from time to time (Rob Brezny and His Free Will Astrology are by far my favorite – the image to my right is from his website with respect to my weekly reading). I take it all with a grain of salt, and look for the choices within the reading. I’m a big fan of Carl Jung as well, and Jung emphasized the importance of balance and harmony. Hmmm … did I mention I was a Libra?

I think life gives us all sorts of reminders to help nudge us to a place a natural balance and harmony. For me, this past year of writing and publication has pushed me to look at where my life is in balance and where it is not. Like many of you, I have commitments and responsibilities and other joys aside from writing – and they all have a place in my life.

It is easy to let the scales tip one way or another, and in general I think that’s okay. It’s the yin-yang way of thinking, I suppose – it all fits together and expands and shrinks in proportion to one another all the time. There’s a freedom in that, too, otherwise we put so much pressure on ourselves to “get it right.” Talk about great expectations!

So, in honor of all of the “good things” that have been happening lately, I have a fun give-away planned that might help give you a little information about what’s going on with you.

Leave two comments: one on this post (“Harmony and Balance”) at The Debutante Ball AND one on this post at my blog, Mia Musings, and I’ll choose two people at random to send a personalized 25-35 page full-year astrology report (via PDF) based on Robert Camp’s Destiny cards (to learn more, click here), a $25 value, or for those of you who are non-believers, you can opt for an autographed copy of GOOD THINGS instead! This contest begins today and expires on Wednesday, May 9th, 11:59 pm EST.

What about you? Believer or non-believer? What’s your sign?

THE BIG P.S. The prize has been modified – the winners will receive BOTH – a one-year report (PDF) plus a signed copy of GOOD THINGS! Woo-hoo!

38 Replies to “Harmony, Balance and a Contest Give-Away by Deb Mia”

  1. Mia, one of my favorite words is “possibilities” and a favorite goal, harmony. I’m going to take it as a sign that I saw Brezny’s image here today and hope that anything is possible today.

  2. I should have guessed you were a Libra. Your general aesthetic and love of good things. I’ll add His Free Will Astrology to my favorites. Thanks for the link. I’m a Sag with a Leo rising and Libra moon. That should tell you that, yes, I do read my horoscope, and love good things, too. I have a Virgo daughter and boyfriend, so I’m always reading their daily horoscope, too, trying to figure them out. All the signs are fascinating to me.

  3. Mia, the link is a gift in itself. Now where did you find this?

    Having mentioned earlier in the week that I used to cast astrological charts — as well as write analyses –, it’s obvious that there is something up there that rules us BUT it’s our “knowing” that provides the power of free will.

  4. Oh, all right. I’m modifying the prize … an autographed copy of GOOD THINGS AND the one-year report for two lucky, lucky people! (It runs from your birthday to your next birthday, so you can do it for your current year or your next year – your choice!)

    Tell your friends, post it on your blog — you’ll earn good karma points and my sincere appreciation!

    Here’s the link: http://www.thedebutanteball.com/?p=365

    Oh, and I fixed the link to Mia Musings: http://miaking.wordpress.com. Thanks, Patti!

  5. Great idea, Mia! I’ll bow out as I already have my Good Things copy, and I want to leave it open for our readers 🙂 but good luck to everyone.

    Eileen? Could you be a…Taurus? Ha! See, that’s about all I know. I’m a Taurus and I’m supposed to be stubborn. Which, I suppose, I am.

  6. I’d love the astrological forecast, Mia, but I’d really rather have a signed copy of your book. Pat’s been telling me lots of ‘good things’ about it. I am to own it, one way or the other. If I get to own it this way, I’m happy.

  7. I’ll admit to believing that we make our own fate – that said, most events are out of our control! Life is a tightrope walk – Balance and Harmony are Very important!

  8. Kristy’s a lot more generous than *I* am. I have my copy too, but I want it autographed… lol! I DO have the postcard you sent me in it, though. Anyway. I’m not as good a person as Kristy is, so I’m still in! :-p

  9. Okay I want one of these astrology things! Not that an autographed book wouldn’t be really cool, however I am a closet astrology buff and have always wanted something like this, but was too afraid to ask!

    Anyway, the sign is Cancer, and I have come to terms with the fact that I am one through and through.

  10. My mom read horoscopes for many, many years — said she stopped when she was able to see when people could die in them and said she didn’t think anyone should know that. Do I believe her? I’ve never known her to lie.

    Me? I’m a Capricorn with Gemini rising, which makes me an interesting type. Usually pretty solid and settled, but occasionally flighty, very stubborn and always right (even when I’m not).

    Hope it’s okay I post the same comment on both blog posts! Thanks, Mia… Judy says your book is the bomb!

  11. Looking forward to reading your book! It is my choice for the out June Book club!

    I am a gemini .. and I really do assoicate myself as a twin .. scary thought!

  12. I’m a fabulous, living-out-loud, LEO! I love being a leo so much that I’ve tatooed the symbol on my arm – a very leo thing to do! 😉

    I read Real Astrology every week, and I love it. I also love getting my story-of-the-day from Brian Andreas – http://www.storypeople.com/. Here is a sample story:

    “Most people don’t know there are angels whose only job is to make sure you don’t get too comfortable & fall asleep & miss your life.”

    Also love Alison Strine stuff. How can you NOT love someone who has a card/necklace with this as the description:

    “She Puts Her BIG GIRL PANTIES on and Deals With It – pendant charm doodad bauble zne mixed media altered collage happy joy tra la la”

  13. Believer all the way! I use astrology and mediums as a way to guide me or consult me on my journeys. No I do not live by them but they sure are fun and at times very real!

  14. Lets see if I can become a believer!!! And will have to check out the book even if it is not my fate to win.

  15. Oh, this is getting too good, and we still have four days left! 🙂

    My better half is rolling his eyes – he’s not a total disbeliever, but he thinks a lot of this stuff is “one size fits all.” That’s one thing I love about the Destiny reports that two lucky people will be winning – they are pretty damn specific. They run from one birthday to the next (rather than a calendar year), and I’ll leave it to the winners to choose ANY year for their reports – past, present or future. For most people the report will be about 30 pages, for a few select few it will be half that amount (because of their sign). Even if you don’t believe, it’s loads of fun, and one of those things that make you go “Hmmm …”

    And of course there is also the signed copy of GOOD THINGS, a wonderful and fantastic read, one of those books that makes a great gift for, well let’s see, ALL the women in your life (cough, Mother’s Day is almost here, cough). I’ll even send an autographed postcard with a dedication to anyone who buys the book for Mother’s Day. But don’t let that stop you – buy it for your dad, he might really love it! It might be JUST the thing he’s wanting for Father’s Day. Really … don’t let him down.*

    Thanks for helping me spread the word … the karma register hasn’t stopped ringing!

    * All proceeds go to support the Mia King Emergency Chocolate Fund. But now that we’re on the topic of chocolate, do you think I should thrown in some chocolate-covered macadamia nuts or something as well? Make the prize a little more caloric?

  16. We bought those chocolate-covered macadamia nuts when we were in Hawaii. Three big boxes. I don’t know why. I’ve been dieting forever. They’re still unopened. I try to pretend they’re not there. The kids keep asking me for them. Were I smart, I’d feed them to the kids. But I’m afraid if I open the box, I may as well rename myself Pandora, because it won’t just be the kids eating them.


  17. Hi, I am a Virgo..

    It is very interesting to learn about your starsign, especially on a destiny report! (It sounds very detailed!).

    I’m sure I would gain an in-depth insight into the wonderful world of horoscopes. If I get the chance to have my own report I look forward to be amazed! But more importantly, to learn things about myself that I never thought about, be more positive in life, and see things in a different perspective too!

    Thanks Mia for running this fantastic competition!
    You’re truly a shining star.



  18. Hi Mia,

    Throwing in some chocolates will definitely be a bonus! hehe.
    Research has shown a piece of chocolate consumed will kick-off people’s “happy hormones!” So an absolutely delicious idea!


    Chocolate-covered macadamia nuts, or any other type of chocolates will be graciously thanked for by the lucky people. I’m sure your choice will be as creative as your book writing! 🙂

  19. Ok so I had to leave you this comment because I wanna be in the contest and because it’s the least I can do since I havn’t been to your blogs in such a long time.
    If you don’t mind I am going to post this same comment on all your blogs, hehe
    Ok so first of all I am a Leo. I guess I am a semi-believer in this stuff. I used to check my horoscope daily, but then I started checking it the day after to see if it was right. A lot of times it seem to be accurate…scary! Then if I had something important happening that day I’d check to see how my day would be going, hehe. Well have fun with the contest.
    p.s. Tell Miss Maya that I said Hi…ohh and Toni said to tell her Hi!!! too.
    See ya around town

  20. I’m leaving a comment not only enter the contest, but also because this is an interesting subject and worth commenting on.

    I’m a believer in astrology, tarot, etc to the extent that they can give us glimpses into our personalities and into the ways in which we approach the world, perhaps even into events that may lie ahead for us.

    I believe that the Universe presents us with opportunities, to learn, to grow, to experience all this world has to offer. But ultimately it is we who create our lives… by the choices, both small and large, that we make.

  21. I’m a Libra too and we are definitely the best – unless we’re out of balance and then we can be rather challenging. I believe in almost everything. If it’s here, it must have some purpose. We just have to figure out how to use it to make us better. Would love to have the reading, but would especially like to BE reading your book.

  22. M.G. – if you win, you can donate your chocolate-covered macadamia nuts to anyone here, along with your three boxes (!!) – I am sure that will make you everyone’s new best friend! But then you’d have nothing to tempt you, and that would sure make life boring ….

    Kerry, yes, I think reading a one-year report while munching on chocolate sounds like a pretty good combo to me, too!

    Tania, you live less than 5 miles away but we only see each other on cyberspace … how crazy is that? But I’m not complaining – it’s wonderful to see you anywhere!

    Susan, I totally agree!

    Antiwife, you can put the book on one side of the scale and the report on the other, and then place the chocolate mac nuts on either side until it is in balance …

    Angie, I am so into cross-posting. It just seems so cyber savvy!

    Okay, we have three days left! Spread the word and keep your karma registers ringing! I’ll announce the winners on my Thursday post!

  23. Hi there! I’m an Aquarius and a HUGE believer in “coincidences” ~ horoscopes ~ and fortune cookies.

    Love macadamia nuts ~ Love Books ~ Love Astrology

    I’ve always wanted to be able to read Tarot Cards … I just wonder if someone has to be “genuinely special” to give a correct reading.

    It looks like I might be number 36 on this post (AGAIN but in a different webiste) … the number 9 is one of the mega numbers I choose whenever I buy lottery tickets (3 + 6) ~ (the other number is 14) hmm wonder if this is a coincidence.

    I’d love to be able to get your book!

  24. Mia,
    Libras and Capricorns get a long fantastically. I must be post number 37 which is great because it is also my address. This is a very unique contest.

    I believe that intuitiveness resides in all of us. We just don’t know how to use it properly.

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