My Great Writing Resolution…

Every year, I start a new journal. I love the clean page, writing Jan 1 (although not the creeping years slowly). I think I started my first journal more than two decades ago. Let’s just say it was not in this millennium.

“A new year! New Resolutions!” I would state, even though they were usually the same resolutions.

  1. Write a book.
  2. Lose Weight


Well, this year I don’t have to do #1.  And because of #1 I probably have to do more of #2. But it seems silly to make that a resolution I have to write down. Especially since everyone’s 10-year-reviews include gain and lose the same 20 lbs over and over again.

I did not do the 10-year-review. Maybe because it was not that dramatic. I actually MET my husband exactly ten years ago, and was already living in NYC, and even though we got engaged, married went through #infertility and had a kid, well, life isn’t ALL that different.

But I also am trying really really hard NOT to make resolutions this year. Not for writing or anything.

Sure, there are things I want to accomplish – like get my attention span back, do more writing from the heart, make my book successful, and yes, lose the proverbial weight. But maybe I know I don’t need one specific day for that. And that all the groundwork has already been laid for my book’s success, for quitting Facebook, for dieting. I know how to do all of this. And I trust myself that I can get it done. Jan 1, Jan 3. Feb 1.

And I don’t need a resolution for that.

Author: Amy Klein

Amy Klein is the author of "The Trying Game: Get Through Fertility Treatment and Get Pregnant Without Losing Your Mind," (Ballantine, 2020) based on her New York Times "Fertility Diary" column. Her writing on health, science, reproduction and essays has also appeared in Slate, Salon, The Washington Post, Aeon and more.