Do you recall my resolution not to OVER-plan this year? (i.e The Planner Has No Plans). Remember how I said I wanted to enjoy the moments and cherish the idea of being an debt author?
Well, I sort of kept up with it.
Every author I spoke to agreed, this was a tough year to debut. Between Trump taking office, the lives lost needlessly, the climate of YA publishing, and the over all stress of switching careers, it was hard to sit back and truly relax on a bed of nails. I will say, my writing goals have been on point. They’ve been keeping me focus and sane.
Here’s a status update on the few goals I listed in my original post:
I want to polish up Book #2-DONE ( and on to copy edits!!)
Write a proposal for Book #3-DONE (and submitted. Waiting on word so fingers crossed!)
Pitch a series-DONE (Well, sent to my agent. Now working on first fifty pages)
Finish a TV pilot script-NOPE. (But I’ll get around to it this summer)
The rest of the year, I’ll be focused on launching my new book next year. Feels like I’m a veteran in the game. 🙂