News Flash! Writing/Life Balancing Edition

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Congratulations to Teresa Davis, winner of THE PRECIOUS ONE by Maria de los Santos!

Check back next week, where we will announce the winner of this weeks giveaway–Dana Bate’s TOO MANY COOKS!

From the 2016 Debs

Louise Miller is baking like a mad woman. But in between gingerbread men and mince tarts she put together her list of potential blurbers for her publisher. Fingers crossed!

The smell of fried oil from making latkesJennifer S. Brown is trying to get the smell of oil out of her house. It’s been (as of Sunday night) eight crazy nights, but she’s happy to get back to regular life. She just has to remember, though, that even though her holiday is over, it’s still not safe to go to the stores for another two weeks.

Heather Young was very busy this week rehearsing and performing three holiday concerts with her a cappella choral group, Sacred and Profane. (She joined it because of the name.) She also got a cover design she loves, though it’s not quite official yet, so she can’t share it.

Abby Fabiaschi figured out what happens to Lucy Biscaro. So Santa delivered.

Aya de Leon got a check from her agent for delivery and acceptance of UPTOWN THIEF, so apparently it was accepted! She is writing, writing, writing on book #2, except when she’s recovering from the nasty cold that’s going around.

For Writers

Here are some of the best things we saw on the internet this week:

*A handy list of unnecessary words — delete! delete! — to eliminate during revision, by author and BookPub marketing manager Diana Urban.

*Things to think about when you’re talking to an agent who’s interested in your book (other than omigodomigodomigodomigod!!!), by Katrin Schumann, courtesy of Grub Street: “Hanging on the Telephone”.

*A hilarious, yet horrifying, skewering of in-house book promotion from Ellis Weiner in the New Yorker: “Subject: Our Marketing Plan”. We’re particularly fond of this little gem: “We can send you a list of bookstores in your area once you fill out the My Local Bookstores list on your Author’s Questionnaire.” HA!

Places to Submit
Up for a writing challenge? 3ElementsReview is calling for stories in which three elements given in a submission period are used in a story. All the elements must be used. For the January 31 deadline, you must use Measure, Cleave, and Sliver. Stories must not exceed 3,500 words. Visit their submission guidelines for details.

A Quite Courage wants to see your microfiction—pieces 100 words or fewer. They accept on admissions on a rolling basis.

Brilliant Flash Fiction is looking for fiction under 1,000 words. All genres accepted, but no porn or graphic violence please.

Conclave seeks poetry, fiction, nonfiction, and photography on the theme for the next issue—Writing for Change, which focuses on change as a powerful force, ideally though not certainly a force for progress and growth. Deadline is January 15.

The Indianola Review is seeking creative nonfiction, and they’re paying $75 a piece. They read year-round, currently average ten-days per response, and provide personal feedback when time permits. Submit now!

Author: Louise Miller

Louise Miller is the author of THE CITY BAKER'S GUIDE TO COUNTRY LIVING (Pamela Dorman Books/Viking/August 9, 2016), the story of a commitment-phobic pastry chef who discovers the meaning of belonging while competing in the cut-throat world of Vermont county fair baking contests. Find out more at