Deb News! Debutante Jennifer McMahon’s novel, Promise Not To Tell, has been chosen by Borders for placement on the 3 For 2 table! This is a real, and well-deserved, vote of confidence in Jennifer’s debut. Congratulations!
Deb Friends! Gail Konop-Baker, author of the acclaimed Bare-breasted Mama column on Literary Mama, has had a stellar week. Not only has she signed with a brilliant agent, but she was given the “All Clear” at her one year check-up! I know our readers join Gail in celebrating both of these milestones, and wish her success and continued good health!
Oh, and have we reminded you about the new contest yet this week? Check it out!
IMO, Jennifer’s PROMISE NOT TO TELL will also be featured in Border’s newsletter under the category of New Voices!
Congrats! That is just too cool =)