Thank you so much to yesterday’s guest, AJ Pearce! If you haven’t already, enter the #DebBallGiveaway to win a copy of Dear Mrs. Bird. You can enter by sharing our post on Facebook and/or retweeting the following tweet:
Interview + Giveaway with AJ Pearce, Author of Dear Mrs. Bird
— The Debutante Ball (@DebutanteBall) August 18, 2018
News from the 2018 Debs:
Cass Morris is launching a campaign to get 50 Amazon reviews on From Unseen Fire by her birthday next month. Stay tuned to her website and/or social media tomorrow for the details!
Lara Lillibridge is prepping for HippoCamp 18, where she will be co-leading a breakout session with Amy Fish called The Humour Makeover: How to Take Your Existing Work and Make it Funny. Candy from both Canada and The U.S. will be dispensed in this international cooperative venture.
Kimmery Martin will be discussing the literary scene in Charlotte at the the Southern Women’s Show on August 24th from 12:00–1:00. Check in on Kimmery’s website soon for details of other upcoming appearances in Louisville and Chicago.
Julie Clark is excited to be attending the San Diego Festival of Books next weekend. If you’re in the area, stop by the Novel Network booth and say hello!
Kaitlyn Sage Patterson just landed in Canada for an event this week at Indigo Oshawa.
See you next week when we talk about the blooper reel, the most hilariously egregious mistakes we made during the rewriting/editing/proofing process.