[News Flash] August 5, 2018

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Congratulations to Jessica Reed, winner of our #DebBallGiveaway of By the Forces of Gravity by Rebecca Fish Ewan.


Thank you so much to yesterday’s guest, Emily Giffin! If you haven’t already, enter the #DebBallGiveaway to win a copy of All We Ever Wanted. You can enter by sharing our post on Facebook and/or retweeting the following tweet:




News from the 2018 Debs:


Julie Clark wants to remind book clubs that they can join Novel Network and have access to a huge database of authors who would love to join you for book club discussions. It’s free so check it out and join!


Kaitlyn Sage Patterson is very happy to tell you that after being fired earlier this summer, she’s starting a new job with a terrific organization on Monday!


Cass Morris had a lovely mini-break in Raleigh, NC with her gentleman! If you’ve never been to the Museum of Natural Sciences there, she highly recommends it. She learned a lot of things that she had not known before! Plus, she got to take a selfie with a T-Rex. Following completion of Camp Nanowrimo, she gave herself a few days off drafting, but now she’s back at work trying to make sense of the mess that is Book Two.


Lara Lillibridge loves writer twitter! She happened upon a tweet offering the availability of an actual upper MG aged beta reader who was super fast and super helpful. Now it’s time to do the editing. Thanks, Jeni Chappelle!


Kimmery Martin is enjoying a brief end-of-summer vacation at the beach with her husband and kids before heading to the Writer’s Digest Conference in New York City next week.







See you next week when we talk about the manuscript in the drawer.



Author: Julie Clark

Born and raised in Santa Monica, California, Julie Clark grew up reading books on the beach while everyone else surfed. After attending college at University of the Pacific, and a brief stint working in the athletic department at University of California, Berkeley, she returned home to Santa Monica to teach. She now lives there with her two young sons and a golden doodle with poor impulse control. Her debut, THE ONES WE CHOOSE, will be published by Gallery/Simon & Schuster in May 2018.